Student Participation Contract Sample Contracts
University of Maryland, Baltimore County Upward BoundStudent Participation Contract • May 27th, 2017
Contract Type FiledMay 27th, 2017If you wish to participate in the Upward Bound Program, you are expected to commit yourself to the following requirements. Please read the statements below. If you understand what is expected of you and are willing to commit yourself to each requirement, please sign in the space provided below. Admission to the UMBC Upward Bound Program is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a 60 day period of probation.
Standard Contracts
ContractStudent Participation Contract • October 13th, 2021
Contract Type FiledOctober 13th, 2021After the interview/job skills test, all students accepted as a Project Search intern will submit the following agreement.
Student Participation ContractStudent Participation Contract • November 9th, 2016
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2016Program: MKT-323 International Marketing European Study Tour Location: London, England (8 nights), Berlin, Germany (8 nights) Dates of Travel: May 22 – June 8, 2015 (16 nights in hotels)
Mountain Ridge High School DECA STUDENT PARTICIPATION CONTRACTStudent Participation Contract • August 25th, 2014
Contract Type FiledAugust 25th, 2014I, (Please print name) , a student at Mountain Ridge High School, agree to participate in the AZ DECA Fall Leadership Conference –in downtown Phoenix, AZ, on November 5, 2014. I understand that by signing this agreement I am responsible for paying $25.00 for a t-shirt and Sun’s Ticket. . If I do not attend (or if I get sent home for a serious behavior infraction), I will still be liable for this $25.00 plus an additional $40.00 to refund West-Mec for registration costs that are being paid for me.
WARREN WOODS PUBLIC SCHOOLS ATHLETICSStudent Participation Contract • June 19th, 2014
Contract Type FiledJune 19th, 2014
SPIRO PUBLIC SCHOOLSStudent Participation Contract • August 6th, 2018
Contract Type FiledAugust 6th, 2018Participation in a school sponsored activity is a privilege, not a right. The participant must earn this privilege through dedication, desire, and discipline. Without the pursuit of those, the participant must discipline himself/herself to be a good citizen and student in order to achieve excellence. The faculty of Spiro Public Schools believes that tradition of winning is established and maintained upon these principles. In order for a determined course of action for the pursuit of high achievement and the character training of young persons, the following "Participation Policies" must be understood and agreed to between the school, the student participant, and parents.
Student Participation ContractStudent Participation Contract • August 7th, 2017
Contract Type FiledAugust 7th, 2017
Student Participation Contract <MY> University – Spring Term 2015Student Participation Contract • November 9th, 2016
Contract Type FiledNovember 9th, 2016I, (print full name) ___________________________________, hereby acknowledge receipt of the following documents within a reasonable amount of time before the scheduled departure: