System Impact Study Agreement Sample Contracts
Coronus Energy Corporation – Coronus Apple Valley East 1 GFID 5824 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENTSystem Impact Study Agreement • June 29th, 2012 • Coronus Solar Inc. • Services-educational services
Contract Type FiledJune 29th, 2012 Company IndustryThis System Impact Study Agreement (“Agreement”) is between Coronus Energy Corporation (“Applicant”), a Delaware Corporation with principal offices located at 1100, 1200 West 73rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6P 6G5, and Southern California Edison Company (“SCE”), a California corporation, with principal offices located at 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, California 91770, hereinafter each may be referred to as a Party or collectively as the Parties. This Agreement shall take effect as of ________________ (“Effective Date”).
Standard Contracts
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • January 25th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 25th, 2024THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 20 by and between , (“Interconnection Customer”), and , a cooperative existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (“Area EPS Operator”). Interconnection Customer and Area EPS Operator each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • February 22nd, 2023 • North Carolina
Contract Type FiledFebruary 22nd, 2023 Jurisdiction, ("Interconnection Customer,") and Roanoke Electric Membership Corporation, a Cooperative existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, (“Cooperative”). Interconnection Customer and the Cooperative each may be referred to as a "Party," or collectively as the "Parties."
SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENTSystem Impact Study Agreement • November 2nd, 2017
Contract Type FiledNovember 2nd, 2017
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • July 7th, 2021 • North Carolina
Contract Type FiledJuly 7th, 2021 Jurisdictionexisting under the laws of the State of , (“Utility”). The Interconnection Customer and the Utility each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENTSystem Impact Study Agreement • December 17th, 2020
Contract Type FiledDecember 17th, 2020THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 20 , by and between «Customer Long Name», a [limited liability company/corporation] organized and existing under the laws of the State of State (‘‘Interconnection Customer,’’) and the U.S. Department of Energy, acting by and through the Bonneville Power Administration, (‘‘Transmission Provider’’). Interconnection Customer and Transmission Provider each may be referred to as a ‘‘Party,’’ or collectively as the ‘‘Parties.’’
Attachment 6: System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • June 18th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJune 18th, 2019, a existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (“Area EPS Operator” or “Minnesota Power”). Interconnection Customer and Minnesota Power each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • December 11th, 2009
Contract Type FiledDecember 11th, 2009Whereas, The Applicant is proposing to develop a Small Generating Facility or generating capacity addition to an existing Small Generating Facility consistent with the Application completed by the Applicant on ;
To DTE Electric’s Distribution SystemSystem Impact Study Agreement • August 21st, 2023
Contract Type FiledAugust 21st, 2023WHEREAS, proposals to construct or upgrade a project which will be operated in parallel with and interconnected with The DTE Energy Electric Company’s (hereinafter “DTE Electric”) electric system (hereinafter “DTE Electric Distribution System”) must be reviewed by DTE Electric to determine how it will impact the DTE Electric Distribution System and DTE Electric’s customers.
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • August 2nd, 2007
Contract Type FiledAugust 2nd, 2007, ("Interconnection Customer,") and Idaho Power Company a Corporation existing under the laws of the State of Idaho, ("Transmission Provider"). Interconnection Customer and Transmission Provider each may be referred to as a "Party," or collectively as the "Parties."
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • September 20th, 2016 • South Carolina
Contract Type FiledSeptember 20th, 2016 Jurisdiction, (“Interconnection Customer,”) and the South Carolina Public Service Authority a body corporate and politic created by the laws of South Carolina, (“Authority”). The Interconnection Customer and the Authority each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
Contract Type FiledAugust 21st, 2017 JurisdictionThis SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [month day, year] by and between [legal name of Transmission Customer], a [limited liability company][corporation] organized and existing under the laws of the State of [name of state] (“Transmission Customer”) and [legal name of Transmission Provider], a [limited liability company][corporation] organized and existing under the laws of the State of [name of state] (“Transmission Provider”). Transmission Customer and Transmission Provider each may be referred to as a “Party” or collectively as the “Parties.”
Appendix Q1 – System Impact StudySystem Impact Study Agreement • June 3rd, 2020 • New York
Contract Type FiledJune 3rd, 2020 JurisdictionWHEREAS, the Interconnection Customer is proposing to develop a Small Generator or generating capacity addition to an existing Small Generator consistent with the Interconnection Request completed by the Interconnection Customer on ; and
System Impact Study System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • April 7th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 7th, 2022Customer”), and ([UTILITY NAME]). Interconnection Customer and [UTILITY NAME] each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • January 11th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJanuary 11th, 2024It has been determined that your proposed Distributed Energy Resource (DER) will require a System Impact Study. This study will determine what, if any, impacts this system will have on the Cloverland Electric Coops (CEC) System and the resultant report will indicate if any system upgrades will be required.
SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENTSystem Impact Study Agreement • April 11th, 2014 • British Columbia
Contract Type FiledApril 11th, 2014 Jurisdiction
APPENDIX 7 TO SGIP SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENTSystem Impact Study Agreement • September 11th, 2014
Contract Type FiledSeptember 11th, 2014THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 20 by and between , a organized and existing under the laws of the State of , ("Interconnection Customer,") and
SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENT – (SISA)System Impact Study Agreement • July 17th, 2014 • Georgia
Contract Type FiledJuly 17th, 2014 Jurisdiction
EXECUTED SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENT ANDSystem Impact Study Agreement • September 6th, 2007
Contract Type FiledSeptember 6th, 2007
Attachment 6: System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • May 31st, 2019
Contract Type FiledMay 31st, 2019, (“Interconnection Customer”), and Otter Tail Power Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (“Area EPS Operator”). Interconnection Customer and Area EPS Operator each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
System Impact Study System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • April 8th, 2022
Contract Type FiledApril 8th, 2022Customer”), and THE COOPERATIVE . Interconnection Customer and THE COOPERATIVE each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • November 19th, 2012 • Washington
Contract Type FiledNovember 19th, 2012 JurisdictionThis System Impact Study Agreement is dated [DATE], between PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO, 1 OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON (the "District"), a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington and
Attachment 6: System Impact Study AgreementSystem Impact Study Agreement • May 9th, 2019 • Minnesota
Contract Type FiledMay 9th, 2019 Jurisdiction, (“Interconnection Customer”), and Dakota Electric Association, a Cooperative Corporation existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (“Dakota Electric” or “Area EPS Operator”). Interconnection Customer and Area EPS Operator each may be referred to as a “Party,” or collectively as the “Parties.”
Contract Type FiledOctober 23rd, 2020 JurisdictionThis System Impact Study Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this day of , 20 , by and between [Transmission Developer] , a
SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY AGREEMENT BETWEENSystem Impact Study Agreement • October 10th, 2005
Contract Type FiledOctober 10th, 2005WHEREAS, The Applicant has been determined by the Transmission Provider to be an Eligible Transmission Customer under Part I of the Tariff; and to have a Completed Application for either Firm Point-To- Point Transmission Service under Part II of the Tariff, or Network Integration Transmission Service under Part III of the Tariff; and