Television Agreement Sample Contracts
NON-STANDARD TELEVISION (PAY-TV) AGREEMENTTelevision Agreement • July 30th, 2020
Contract Type FiledJuly 30th, 2020
Standard Contracts
CBC/ACTRA Television Agreement Rate Schedule 1Television Agreement • July 17th, 2012
Contract Type FiledJuly 17th, 2012Grid 1 Principal Specialty ActChorus 3 or 4* BASE 1 Br.Window100% 2 Br.Window130% 3 Br.Window140% 1 yr. CBC or 4 Br.Window150% 3 yr. CBC or 5 Br.Window175% 7 Year CBC200% 7 Year All Markets225% Daily Rate (8 hours) $521.47 $677.92 $730.06 $782.21 $912.58 $1,042.95 $1,173.32 Daily Rate (4 hours) $260.74 $338.97 $365.04 $391.11 $456.30 $521.49 $586.67 Work Time per ½ hour $32.59 $42.37 $45.63 $48.89 $57.04 $65.19 $73.33 Work Time per hour $65.19 $84.74 $91.26 $97.78 $114.07 $130.37 $146.67 Overtime Rate per ½ hour $48.88 $63.55 $68.44 $73.32 $85.55 $97.77 $109.99 Overtime Rate per hour $97.78 $127.11 $136.89 $146.67 $171.11 $195.56 $220.00 Discounted Weekly Rate $2,085.89 $2,711.66 $2,920.25 $3,128.84 $3,650.31 $4,171.78 $4,693.26
CBC and ACTRA Television Agreement Effective July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022Television Agreement • January 28th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJanuary 28th, 2022Grid 1Principal Specialty Act BASE1 Br. Window100% 2 Br.Window 130% 3 Br.Window 140% 1 yr. CBC or4 Br. Window150% 3 yr. CBC or5 Br. Window175% 7 Year CBC200% 7 YearAll Markets 225% Daily Rate (8 hours) $605.22 $786.79 $847.31 $907.83 $1,059.14 $1,210.44 $1,361.75 Daily Rate (4 hours) $302.61 $393.39 $423.65 $453.92 $529.57 $605.22 $680.87 Work Time per ½ hour $37.83 $49.18 $52.96 $56.75 $66.20 $75.66 $85.12 Work Time per hour $75.66 $98.36 $105.92 $113.49 $132.41 $151.32 $170.24 Overtime Rate per ½ hour $56.74 $73.76 $79.44 $85.11 $99.30 $113.48 $127.67 Overtime Rate per hour $113.49 $147.54 $158.89 $170.24 $198.61 $226.98 $255.35 Discounted Weekly Rate $2,420.79 $3,147.03 $3,389.11 $3,631.19 $4,236.38 $4,841.58 $5,446.78
NBC, New York Racing Association extend Saratoga television agreement through 2013Television Agreement • September 21st, 2011
Contract Type FiledSeptember 21st, 2011This year, NBC and its cable companion Versus, broadcast eight one-hour programs from Saratoga that included all seven Saturdays and one Sunday. The tentative schedule for 2012 has NBC and NBC Sports Network – which Versus will be known as beginning in January – broadcasting four Saturdays and one Sunday. The two shows on NBC will be Aug. 25, a two-hour broadcast that will presumably include the Travers and King’s Bishop, and a one-hour show on Sept. 1 that will presumably include the Woodward and Forego.
Agreement between the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio ArtistsTelevision Agreement • November 26th, 2002
Contract Type FiledNovember 26th, 2002
T E L E V I S I O NTelevision Agreement • November 26th, 2002
Contract Type FiledNovember 26th, 2002
ContractTelevision Agreement • November 19th, 2013
Contract Type FiledNovember 19th, 2013MIAA – TELEVISION AGREEMENT FOR COVERAGE OF FOOTBALL STATE SEMI-FINALS 2013 This agreement must be executed and received at the MIAA office 24 hours prior to the event. The rights fee or purchase order number must be presented with this agreement at the tournament site before any recording or broadcasting will be permitted. A copy of this MIAA approved agreement must be presented to the MIAA site manager upon arrival at the tournament site. Terms are defined in the MIAA Media Guide for Tournament Coverage. (Please see over for additional conditions) *Station must provide 1 copy of video for each contest to the MIAA upon request. EVENT Sport: Div: Boys □ Girls □Event: Event Date: Site: Schools Participating: vs. PRODUCING ENTITY Media Coverage By: Name of Producing EntityAddress: Channel: Date: Time: □ Broadcast and Regional□ *Delayed Local Cable with Paid Advertising Number of Subscribers □ *Delayed Local Cable without Paid Advertisers* Delayed Coverage (Showing of the event at least
vision and AgreementTelevision Agreement • September 9th, 2008
Contract Type FiledSeptember 9th, 2008WHEREAS the parties hereto are desirous of entering into an Agreement which covers rates and conditions for Performers in information programming produced by Vision for
CBC/ACTRA Television Agreement Rate Schedule 1Television Agreement • September 17th, 2012
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2012Grid 1 Principal Specialty ActChorus 3 or 4* BASE 1 Br.Window100% 2 Br.Window130% 3 Br.Window140% 1 yr. CBC or 4 Br.Window150% 3 yr. CBC or 5 Br.Window175% 7 Year CBC200% 7 Year All Markets 225% Daily Rate (8 hours) $529.30 $688.09 $741.01 $793.94 $926.27 $1,058.59 $1,190.92 Daily Rate (4 hours) $264.65 $344.05 $370.52 $396.98 $463.14 $529.31 $595.47 Work Time per ½ hour $33.08 $43.01 $46.31 $49.62 $57.89 $66.16 $74.43 Work Time per hour $66.16 $86.01 $92.63 $99.25 $115.79 $132.33 $148.87 Overtime Rate per ½ hour $49.62 $64.50 $69.46 $74.42 $86.83 $99.23 $111.64 Overtime Rate per hour $99.25 $129.02 $138.94 $148.87 $173.68 $198.49 $223.30 Discounted Weekly Rate $2,117.18 $2,752.33 $2,964.05 $3,175.77 $3,705.07 $4,234.36 $4,763.66
BBC/ISM TELEVISION AGREEMENT 2008Television Agreement • March 27th, 2008
Contract Type FiledMarch 27th, 2008This Agreement dated 1st April 2008 sets out the terms and conditions agreed between the BBC and the Incorporated Society of Musicians for:
STANDARD TELEVISION AGREEMENTTelevision Agreement • August 7th, 2013 • England
Contract Type FiledAugust 7th, 2013 Jurisdiction
ATelevision Agreement • November 26th, 2002
Contract Type FiledNovember 26th, 2002Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists as the exclusive collective bargaining agent for employees engaged on contract by the