Tourism Cooperation Agreement Sample Contracts
Contract Type FiledApril 18th, 2024The Department of Tourism of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Tourism Service of the Republic of Chile, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties",
Standard Contracts
No. 54231*Tourism Cooperation Agreement • October 4th, 2024
Contract Type FiledOctober 4th, 2024*No UNTS volume number has yet been determined for this record. The Text(s) reproduced below, if attached, are the authentic texts of the agreement /action attachment as submitted for registration and publication to the Secretariat. For ease of reference they were sequentially paginated. Translations, if attached, are not final and are provided for information only.
No. 43431Tourism Cooperation Agreement • March 2nd, 2025
Contract Type FiledMarch 2nd, 2025Tourism Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Vene- zuela and the Government of Jamaica. Caracas, 9 March 1998
Tourism co-operation between Kostomuksha State Nature Reserve and Matka-Kos Tourist CompanyTourism Cooperation Agreement • November 13th, 2021
Contract Type FiledNovember 13th, 2021Matka-Kos Tourist Company and Kostomuksha State Nature Reserve began their co- operation in 1994. An agreement on co-operation in the field of tourism in the territory of the Reserve was signed. The idea of creating a tourist company resulted from nume- rous (during more than 30 years) water, ski and hike travels round Karelia and Russia. Practically all most popular tourist regions in Russia were visited. Very often we travel- led round the reserves, where sometimes we fulfilled calculations of animals and birds. Deep inside we were glad to see the beauty of virgin nature of those places but at the same time we were sorry as other people have no possibility to look at it in reality, only at photographs in booklets. Luckily the situation in the country changed for the better, not only in the field of politics but in ecology as well. Sustainable ecological tourism in reserves was permitted. And nowadays people can admire nature objects seeing them with their own eyes. Matka-Kos Tourist
AGREEMENTTourism Cooperation Agreement • September 16th, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 16th, 2020Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as “EXECUTOR” in the person of Yanina Minina – General Director on the one part and hereinafter referred to as “TOUR AGENT” in the person of
AGREEMENT BETWEENTourism Cooperation Agreement • January 8th, 2007
Contract Type FiledJanuary 8th, 2007Desiring to strength~n friendly relations and focus mutual understanding between the two countries, for the development of tourism on the basis of equality and mutual benefit,