Traditional Healing Care Agreement Sample Contracts
TRADITIONAL HEALING – CARE AGREEMENTTraditional Healing Care Agreement • May 4th, 2021
Contract Type FiledMay 4th, 2021While I am a trained and licensed medical doctor, I offer healing, spiritual counsel, life transition ceremonies and rituals, spiritual community service and teaching outside of my licensure as a physician but within my capacity as a Mará akáme initiated in the Huichol Shamanic Tradition and as a Plant Spirit Medicine healer, both affiliated with the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing. The Temple of Sacred Fire Healing is dedicated to preserving and offering traditional medicine ways for this and generations to come.
Standard Contracts
TRADITIONAL HEALING – CARE AGREEMENTTraditional Healing Care Agreement • January 30th, 2023
Contract Type FiledJanuary 30th, 2023While I am a trained and licensed medical doctor, I offer healing, spiritual counsel, life transition ceremonies and rituals, spiritual community service and teaching outside of my licensure as a physician but within my capacity as a Mará akáme initiated in the Huichol Shamanic Tradition and as a Plant Spirit Medicine healer, both affiliated with the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing. The Temple of Sacred Fire Healing is dedicated to preserving and offering traditional medicine ways for this and generations to come.
TRADITIONAL HEALING – CARE AGREEMENTTraditional Healing Care Agreement • August 20th, 2021
Contract Type FiledAugust 20th, 2021A Mara’akame is someone who has been initiated as a ‘medicine person’ in the tradition of the Huichol people of the Western Sierra Madres, Mexico. As Mara’akate (plural of Mará akáme) we offer healing, counsel and leadership. In 2000, Lisa was called by the Huichol ancestors to begin a long and rigorous apprenticeship in the tradition. In 2014, she became initiated as a Mara’akame by Tsaurririkame (elder shaman), Don Jose Sandoval, at La Laguna in Santa Maria Del Oro, Nayarit, Mexico. In 2003, the ancestors of the same tradition called Patrick to apprentice in the medicine ways to help our people. In 2009, he was initiated as a Mara’akame. Both have been inducted into the Sacred Fire Healing Ministry and authorized by the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing to work as a Mara’akame.
TRADITIONAL HEALING – CARE AGREEMENTTraditional Healing Care Agreement • October 14th, 2020
Contract Type FiledOctober 14th, 2020While I am a trained and licensed medical doctor, I offer healing, spiritual counsel, life transition ceremonies and rituals, spiritual community service and teaching outside of my licensure as a physician but within my capacity as a Marakame initiated in the Huichol Shamanic Tradition and as a Plant Spirit Medicine healer, both affiliated with the Temple of Sacred Fire Healing. The Temple of Sacred Fire Healing is dedicated to preserving and offering traditional medicine ways for this and generations to come.