Two-Party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Sample Contracts
Two-Party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol in Elliptic Curve CryptographyTwo-Party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol • June 10th, 2014
Contract Type FiledJune 10th, 2014Abstract: In this paper, we are taken non singular elliptic curve which is depends on prime finite field. Accomplishment of existing public-key algorithms, comparable to Diffie-Hellman, using elliptic curves. In addition, the paper has been conventional two –party authenticated key agreement protocol in elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).In this protocol, two users communicate to each other and generate secure session key. Furthermore, the paper shows the security analysis of this protocol on a secure communicated channel.
Standard Contracts
Pairing-Based Two-Party Authenticated Key Agreement ProtocolTwo-Party Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol • January 30th, 2008
Contract Type FiledJanuary 30th, 2008