Working Time Agreement Sample Contracts
Working Time Agreement Session 2024-25Working Time Agreement • April 1st, 2024
Contract Type FiledApril 1st, 2024This agreement has been subject to review in 2024 by the LNCT Joint Secretaries and HR as part of a review of current Aberdeenshire LNCT Agreements.
Standard Contracts
Contract Type FiledJune 26th, 2023This supersedes relevant provisions within the National Agreement and constitutes a formal amendment to the terms and conditions of employment for teaching employees within Perth and Kinross Council.
Midlands Working Time AgreementWorking Time Agreement • May 1st, 2024
Contract Type FiledMay 1st, 2024
Title: Collegiate Agreement Guide Number: A3 Date: June 2019Working Time Agreement • June 6th, 2019
Contract Type FiledJune 6th, 2019This guidance is intended to assist school groups in the negotiation of their annual Working Time Agreement and should be used in conjunction with Collegiate Agreement A4 and/or the online planning tool. The proforma headings included in Collegiate Agreement A4 are for guidance and should not be seen as prescriptive for every school.
Title: Collegiate Agreement Guide Number: A3 Date: March 2017Working Time Agreement • January 24th, 2022
Contract Type FiledJanuary 24th, 2022This guidance is intended to assist school groups in the negotiation of their annual Working Time Agreement and should be used in conjunction with Collegiate Agreement A4 and/or the online planning tool. The proforma headings included in Collegiate Agreement A4 are for guidance and should not be seen as prescriptive for every school.
Working Time AgreementsWorking Time Agreement • February 16th, 2015
Contract Type FiledFebruary 16th, 2015The SNCT seeks to control workload through the 35 hour working week. The SNCT has issued previous guidance on Working Time Agreements (JS/05/08) and the management of workload.
APPENDIX 1: Working Time Agreement 2018-19Working Time Agreement • April 20th, 2018
Contract Type FiledApril 20th, 2018We confirm that the attached WTA and calendar has been agreed by staff and is accepted as the pattern for the working year for teaching staff in this school/establishment for session 2018/19.
Title: Collegiate Agreement Guide Number: A3 Date: May 2018Working Time Agreement • June 19th, 2018
Contract Type FiledJune 19th, 2018This guidance is intended to assist school groups in the negotiation of their annual Working Time Agreement and should be used in conjunction with Collegiate Agreement A4 and/or the online planning tool. The proforma headings included in Collegiate Agreement A4 are for guidance and should not be seen as prescriptive for every school.
Title: Collegiate Agreement Guide Number: A2 Date: Nov 2024 IntroductionWorking Time Agreement • November 7th, 2024
Contract Type FiledNovember 7th, 2024This guidance governs the negotiation of annual Working Time Agreements within schools and must be used in conjunction with the Excel Collegiate Calendar Tool provided by the SBC Education Dept. The headings included in the Collegiate Agreement Proforma have been agreed by the LNCT and must not be altered, although some may apply only to secondary schools. It is both acceptable and good practice to add explanatory notes under category headings for the sake of clarity.
LNCT/24/08 Working Time Agreement Session 2024-25Working Time Agreement • March 28th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 28th, 2024This agreement has been subject to review in 2024 by the LNCT Joint Secretaries and HR as part of a review of current Aberdeenshire LNCT Agreements.
City of Edinburgh – LNCT Agreement August 2020Working Time Agreement • September 3rd, 2020
Contract Type FiledSeptember 3rd, 2020We are in the early stages of the covid recovery phase where schools begin to re- open. Both the nature and the duration of any recovery period is currently unknown. This clearly puts constraints on school planning for 2020-21.
WORKING TIME AGREEMENTWorking Time Agreement • November 20th, 2009
Contract Type FiledNovember 20th, 2009Please note there are a number of policies and procedures that require review. It was agreed at the Local Partnership Forum (LPF) on 29 October 2009 that this be delayed where possible until circulation of revised National PIN Guidelines before completing local updates to these policies and procedures. Revised National Pin Guides are anticipated to be circulated in the next 6 months. In the meantime, current local policies and procedures will remain in place and any updates in accordance legislation will continue to be highlighted and circulated via Local Partnership Forum. It was agreed that this arrangement be reviewed again April 2010.
WORKING TIME AGREEMENT SESSION 2020/21Working Time Agreement • August 21st, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 21st, 2020A starting point for discussions at school level should involve a systematic review of the 2019-20 school improvement plan and an evaluation of the WTA for 2019-20 in order that arrangements can be adjusted to take into account the effects of Covid-19 and consideration of the national focus on 2020/21 being one of recovery. There is also a requirement to reflect the possible return to a blended approach to learning if circumstances dictate accordingly. To reflect the evolutionary progress through the session, in light of national Covid 19 guidance, the WTA should be constructed to reflect three phases -Initial Re-engagement Phase (August to November) Interim Phase (November to February) End Phase (February to June), with hours assigned to the different phases on an incremental and cumulative fashion.
WESTMANSTOWN ROSTER – WORKING TIME AGREEMENT 11 SEPTEMBER 2012Working Time Agreement • September 17th, 2012
Contract Type FiledSeptember 17th, 2012
Title: Collegiate Agreement Guide Number: A3 Date: September 2023Working Time Agreement • September 27th, 2023
Contract Type FiledSeptember 27th, 2023This agreement applies to all teachers and is based on the Code of Practice on Working Time Arrangements for Teachers (SNCT Handbook, Part 2 Appendix 2.7). The SNCT Code of Practice on Working Time Arrangements for Teachers (WTA) states: “The individual and collective work of teachers should be capable of being undertaken within the 35 hour working week.
Working Time AgreementWorking Time Agreement • March 4th, 2024
Contract Type FiledMarch 4th, 2024
Working Time Agreement – Negotiation ChecklistWorking Time Agreement • March 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledMarch 15th, 2022Work on the Working Time Agreement (WTA) and Calendar for each session should commence no later than the beginning of the final term with the aim of agreeing and submitting both the proforma and calendar to ahead of the summer break.
UNIVERSITÄTWorking Time Agreement • August 18th, 2020
Contract Type FiledAugust 18th, 2020On the basis of the regulation on working hours, vacation, maternity leave and parental leave, care periods and safety at work for civil servants and judges (Regulation on Working Hours and Vacation, AzUVO) from 29 November 2005 and the authorization by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg from 8 December 2005, the following
Title: Collegiate Agreement Guide Number: A3 Date: March 2017Working Time Agreement • September 23rd, 2019
Contract Type FiledSeptember 23rd, 2019This guidance is intended to assist school groups in the negotiation of their annual Working Time Agreement and should be used in conjunction with Collegiate Agreement A4 and/or the online planning tool. The proforma headings included in Collegiate Agreement A4 are for guidance and should not be seen as prescriptive for every school.
Working Time Agreement 2022Working Time Agreement • August 15th, 2022
Contract Type FiledAugust 15th, 2022
Working Time Agreement - GuidelinesWorking Time Agreement • April 24th, 2017
Contract Type FiledApril 24th, 2017
Working Time Agreement – Negotiation ChecklistWorking Time Agreement • February 8th, 2022
Contract Type FiledFebruary 8th, 2022Work on WTA and Calendar for each session should begin no later than the beginning of final term with aim of agreeing and submitting both proforma and calendar to the QIO ahead of the summer break.