Budget Vzorová ustanovení

Budget. 8. The Irish authorities project that the first year cost of this measure, applied from 1 January 2006 will be in the region of EUR 5,88 million in the immediate short-term given the current market upturn. It is anticipated that the cost in the medium term (+ 2 years) will fall as earnings fall to more typical market levels, approximately EUR 1,38 million.
Budget. (36) The total budget for the scheme is EUR 276 703 731 covering the period 2016 to 2024.
Budget. Sponsor agrees to support the Study using the fees in the budget attached in Appendix 1-A and rules defined in Appendix 1-C, for visits, procedures and tests scheduled in compliance with the Protocol. For qualified patients withdrawn before the completion of the study, Sponsor payment will be based on the costs incurred as defined in Appendix 1-A.