Compatibility of the measure Vzorová ustanovení

Compatibility of the measure. 13. Even though the guidelines do not mention any limits for the inclusion of time chartered ships under tonnage tax schemes, in its decision making practice the Commission has authorised schemes where companies with a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 owned to time chartered ships were eligible to tonnage tax. The exception of the 1:4 ratio as compared to the initial 1:3 ratio in Decision No 563/2001/EC concer- ning the initial approval of the Danish tonnage tax was justified on the basis of an in depth market analysis and the following arguments reproduced below:
Compatibility of the measure. (108) In derogation from the general prohibition of State aid laid down in Article 107(1) TFEU, aid may be declared compatible if it can benefit from one of the derogations enumerated in the TFEU.