Handover of the Work Vzorová ustanovení

Handover of the Work. The work is considered properly executed by its proper completion, handover, installation including tuning without defects and omissions in a condition enabling its proper use by the client. The client is obliged to accept the work if it has no defects and omissions and the contractor has compensated for any damages incurred during the execution of the work, for which it is responsible. The client may accept the work with defects and omissions that do not prevent the use of the work. In such a case, the contracting parties will agree in the handover and acceptance report on the deadline for removing defects and omissions. Until the removal of defects and omissions listed in the report, the work is not completed. Concerning the handover of the work according to this contract, the contracting parties undertake to draw up a record of the handover and acceptance of the work, which must be signed by both contracting parties (i.e. a handover report). The contractor will notify the client in writing no later than 3 days in advance that the work is ready for acceptance. The contractor is obliged to draw up a handover report, including a list of defects and omissions with the deadline for their removal, and to provide the client with at least two copies of all necessary documents required for the use of the work.