Identification of the contracting authority Vzorová ustanovení

Identification of the contracting authority. Title: University of Ostrava Headquarters: Xxxxxxxxx 138/7, 702 00 Ostrava ID: 61988987
Identification of the contracting authority. Name of the organisation Bratislava, the Capital City of the Slovak Republic Legal form municipality under Article 1 of Act No. 369/1990 on the system of municipalities Address of the seat Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 0, Tax code 2020372596 Represented by Ing. arch. Xxxxx Xxxxx, Mayor (hereinafter also “the Capital City”) Name of the organisation Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava Legal form contributory organisation established by the Capital City of the Slovak Republic under Article 21 of Act No. 523/2004 on the financial rules of public administration as amended Address of the seat Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 0, 000 00 Xxxxxxxxxx Country Slovak Republic Company ID 52 324 940 Tax code 2120982490 Name of the organisation General Investor of Bratislava Legal form contributory organisation established by the Capital City of the Slovak Republic under Article 21 of Act No. 523/2004 on the financial rules of public administration as amended Address of the seat Xxxxxxxxxx 0, 000 00 Country Slovak Republic Company ID 00 698 393 Tax code 2020840283 Represented by Xxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, technical deputy – responsible for management
Identification of the contracting authority. Contracting Authority: VSB - Technical University of Ostrava Registered offices of Contracting Authority: 17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba ID: 619 89 100 VAT ID: CZ61989100 Represented by: prof. RNDr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, XXx., rector Contact person: Xxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, tel: +000 000000000, e-mail: xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx Contracting Authority Profile: xxxxx:// Identifikační údaje zadavatele Obsah zadávací dokumentace Preambule Článek I Vymezení předmětu zakázky a technické podmínky

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  • Doba trvání dohody 2.1. Tato dohoda se uzavírá na dobu neurčitou.