Order breakdown Vzorová ustanovení

Order breakdown. The Buyer, who is registered under a Business ID number and orders goods through a customer account, has the option, if he/she wishes to order both goods that are in stock and goods that are not in stock, and to choose before sending the order whether he/she wishes to split the order or whether to wait for a complete delivery, i.e., all the goods being delivered together. If the option to split the order is chosen, the goods will be delivered sequentially according to stock availability. If the option to wait for a complete delivery is chosen, all the goods will be delivered to him/her at once, but only when the Seller has all the goods ordered by the Buyer in stock. By displaying the goods in the online shop, the Seller makes a proposal to conclude a Purchase Contract for the displayed goods via the online shop, subject to the exhaustion of stocks or loss of the Seller's capacity to perform. By sending the order, the Buyer accepts the Seller's offer within the scope of the ordered goods, from which he/she cannot deviate (if he/she deviates, the procedure is according to Article III, paragraph 3.4 of the Terms and Conditions). The Purchase Contract is concluded at the moment of delivery of the order to the Seller.
Order breakdown. The Buyer, who is registered under a Business ID number and orders goods through a customer account, has the option, if he/she wishes to order both goods that are in stock and goods that are not in stock, and to choose before sending the order whether he/she wishes to split the order or whether to wait for a complete delivery, i.e., all the goods being delivered together. If the option to split the order is chosen, the goods will be delivered sequentially according to stock availability. If the option to wait for a complete delivery is chosen, all the goods will be delivered to him/her at once, but only when the Seller has all the goods ordered by the Buyer in stock.

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