Rights and Obligations of the Contracting Parties, Insurance of the Work Vzorová ustanovení

Rights and Obligations of the Contracting Parties, Insurance of the Work. The contracting parties are obliged to provide each other without undue delay with cooperation necessary for the proper fulfilment of the contract. The client will provide the contractor with all the data and documents needed for the proper execution of the work, except for data and documents the procurement of which by the contractor is part of the execution of the work due to its nature. The contractor is obliged to immediately notify the client in writing of any circumstances that may affect the proper and timely execution of the work or the achievement of the purpose pursued by this contract, whether these circumstances arise or not from documents or information otherwise made available to the contractor by the client for the purpose of fulfilling this contract. The contractor undertakes to perform the work with professional care. It commits to comply with generally binding regulations, technical standards, and provisions of this contract. The contractor commits to follow the client’s initial documents, the client’s instructions, and decisions of relevant administrative authorities. The contractor undertakes to perform the work in its own name and at its own risk. The contractor is authorised to ensure the execution of parts of the subject of the work according to this contract by third parties who are professionally qualified, but is not authorised to subcontract the execution of the work as a whole to such third parties. The client or persons duly authorised by it according to this contract are entitled to continuously control the execution of the work, and the contractor commits to enabling access to its own production facilities for this purpose no later than 7 days from the client’s request. Any deficiencies or defects found by the client will be notified to the contractor, and the latter commits to removing them without undue delay. If the contractor does not rectify the defects within a reasonable period and the contractor’s actions would undoubtedly lead to a substantial breach of the contract, the client is entitled to withdraw from this contract. The client will have the right to refuse work or delivery that does not comply with this contract, or to instruct the contractor to stop such works and deliveries during their execution and notify the contractor that these works and deliveries will not be accepted. The client will allow the contractor access to the building of the Music Faculty, Komenského nám. 609/6, 662 15 Brno, for the purpose of ...