Subject of the Work Vzorová ustanovení

Subject of the Work. The work to be carried out by the contractor under this contract is defined by the technical specifications in the annexes to this Work Contract. The work means the construction of an organ, in accordance with the public procurement documentation “Instruments for Interpretation – Organs” and in accordance with the purpose stated in Article I(1) of this contract (hereinafter referred to as “the work”). The work includes the processing of production (workshop) documentation to the extent necessary for the realisation of the work, its discussion, approval, and authorisation by the client. The work must be performed with professional care in accordance with the requirements specified in this contract and in accordance with all relevant legal regulations and applicable ČSN standards, both mandatory and advisory. The contractor commits to perform the work in the quality set out in the technical specifications and user standards, if they are part of the procurement documentation, otherwise at least in standard quality. The contractor of the work declares that it has familiarised itself with the client’s requirements and that these do not constitute unsuitable instructions, and that no object that the client has or will pass on for use has the character of an unsuitable thing unless it has pointed this out in writing within the public procurement before the conclusion of the contract.