Definice Digital Currency

Digital Currency means an electronically stored unit, whether or not it has an issuer, and which is not money under the Payment Act but is accepted as payment for goods or services by a person other than its issuer; for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the PROBINEX token (PBX token) and the USD Coin (USDC) shall be deemed to be Digital Currency

Examples of Digital Currency in a sentence

  • Client declares that prior to entering into a contractual relationship with Provider, they have responsibly considered their abilities to assess all risks associated with Digital Currency and PROFITGUARD Agreement described in these Terms and Conditions, as well as their property, financial and investment capabilities, and voluntarily and fully accepts these risks.

  • Digital currency is not a legal currency in the countries as it is not regulated by the legislation governing payment services and trading with Digital Currency is therefore not subject to authorisation, regulation or supervision by regulatory bodies.

  • Client acknowledges that upon crediting or sending Digital Currency to or from Electronic Wallet account specified by Client by Provider or vice versa, such Digital Currency transaction becomes non-refundable and therefore final.

  • Provider reserves the right to change or amend the wording of Terms and Conditions, primarily due to changes in legislation, market and economic conditions in the field of trading with Digital Currency, in order to enable the proper functioning of Website or the proper provision of services by Provider.

  • Client is fully aware of all risks associated with the handling, nature and storage of Digital Currency, and in particular takes into account the risk of fluctuations in the price and value of Digital Currency and the related possibility of significant gains and losses on its investments, even within a short time interval.

  • Client acknowledges that within the framework of trading with Digital Currency, Provider cooperates with public authorities and administration bodies and provides them with all necessary cooperation for the exercise of their powers, and in this context undertakes to provide similar cooperation and cooperation to Provider.

  • Provider shall not be liable for fluctuations in the price and value of Digital Currency, for the reduction or loss of credibility, anonymity or any other positively rated attribute of Digital Currency, nor for changes in the legislation in the area of trading with Digital Currency.

  • Client acknowledges that the current legal regulation of Digital Currency is only partial and incomplete, and that this state of affairs, as well as the interpretation of the legal norms still in force, may change in the future, and undertakes to fully comply with such changes, as well as the related modifications to these Terms and Conditions.

Related to Digital Currency

  • Poskytovatelem Technologická agentura České republiky (TA ČR),

  • Pojistné období je časové období dohodnuté v pojistné smlouvě, za které se platí pojistné.

  • Poskytovateľ je povinný vykonať kontrolu projektu podľa § 24b a násl. zákona č. 528/2008 Z. z. o pomoci a podpore poskytovanej z fondov ES v znení neskorších predpisov, článku 60 Nariadenia Rady (ES) č. 1083/2006 a článku 13 Nariadenia Komisie (ES) č. 1828/2006. Kontrola projektu zahŕňa administratívnu kontrolu a v prípade potreby kontrolu na mieste. Administratívna kontrola Žiadosti o platbu pozostáva z kontroly jej formálnej a vecnej správnosti. V rámci kontroly formálnej správnosti je Poskytovateľ povinný overiť pravdivosť, kompletnosť a správnosť vyplnenia Žiadosti o platbu. V prípade zistenia formálnych nedostatkov vyzve Poskytovateľ Prijímateľa, aby do 14 dní Žiadosť o platbu doplnil. V prípade zistenia závažných nedostatkov, alebo nedoplnenia požadovaných údajov v stanovenej lehote, Poskytovateľ Žiadosť o platbu zamietne. V prípade, ak sa Poskytovateľ rozhodne počas výkonu administratívnej kontroly vykonať kontrolu na mieste, lehoty na administratívnu kontrolu žiadosti o platbu sú pozastavené.