Definice Standard Terms

Standard Terms the current document, with all valid amendments, a copy of which is available on the Website, which forms an integral part of the Credit Agreement.
Standard Terms the current document, with all valid amendments, a copy of which is available on the Website.

Examples of Standard Terms in a sentence

  • If you decide to repay the Total Amount Due before Due Date, you shall notify Ferratum five business days in advance either by post or email to the relevant address stipulated in these Standard Terms.

  • In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the Specific Terms stipulated above and the Standard Terms and Conditions as attached hereto and incorporated into this Agreement by this reference, the Specific Terms will prevail unless expressly stated herein.

  • Except as otherwise provided herein, the exploitation of the Licensed Rights in and to the Picture(s) shall be exercised according to the provisions of the Standard Terms and Conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference.

  • However, the Customer understands and agrees that in such a case he is still in default in terms of these Standard Terms and therefore the default penalty is still considered to be due on the full Loan amount and the Loan Fee.

  • Technical Material will be delivered by the means agreed above, according to Section 4 of the Standard Terms and Conditions; Dubbing and Subtitling Materials and Promotional and Additional Materials will be delivered by Digital Media Delivery by Licensor according to Section 4 of the Standard Term & Conditions.

  • Alternatively, the Customer may call on the telephone number specified in these Standard Terms so that the officers of Ferratum may calculate the Extension Fee.

  • In case of any conflict between the provision of the Deal Terms of this Agreement and any provision of the said Standard Terms and Conditions, Deal Terms shall prevail.

  • If this is not done and Ferratum is unable to identify the payment, then the payment is considered not to have been received and the Customer shall be liable to pay the default penalty or interest in terms of these Standard Terms.

  • In the event of any conflict between the Standard Terms and Conditions and the Deal Terms, the Deal Terms shall prevail.

  • If there are any inconsistencies between the Deal Terms and the Standard Terms within the license agreement, the Deal Terms will prevail.

Related to Standard Terms

  • Software znamená veškeré programové vybavení a další Autorská díla, stejně jako další věci či jiné majetkové hodnoty, které s programovým vybavením souvisí a jsou určeny ke společnému užívání s tímto programovým vybavením, včetně veškeré související dokumentace a updatů a upgradů tohoto programového vybavení, avšak s výjimkou Hardware a Databází.

  • Article III Remuneration of the Mandatary

  • Staveniště prostory (plochy) určené ve schválené projektové dokumentaci a v pravomocném územním rozhodnutí pro provádění stavby, které zhotovitel použije pro realizaci stavby a pro umístění zařízení staveniště.

  • The Distributor shall have the non-exclusive right to authorise the use of excerpts from the Film for the purpose solely of advertising and publicising the Film in the Territory during the Term in any medium in respect of which Rights have been granted to the Distributor, provided that such excerpts shall not exceed the time limit set out in the Deal Terms; and be used solely and exclusively for the purpose of directly promoting the Film. Such exploitation of clips in the Film can only be used insofar as any music embodied therein has been expressly cleared for promotional usage. For the avoidance of doubt, Pathe shall be entitled to license excerpts and clips from the Film of any duration and in any manner whatsoever in the Territory at its discretion and without reference to the Distributor.

  • Data jsou jakékoliv kombinace základních jednotek informace, které mají formu kódu, znaků, obrazů, zvuků a jejich souborů či kombinací, jsou zachytitelné prostředky výpočetní techniky a jsou přenositelné po sítích.

  • Pracovní den “ znamená jakýkoliv den, kdy jsou otevřeny banky v České republice a jsou prováděna vypořádání mezibankovních obchodů v českých korunách.

  • Důvěrné informace znamenají všechny informace, o kterých se smluvní strany dozví v rámci smluvního vztahu založeného Smlouvou a které jsou označené jako důvěrné, nebo které na základě jiných okolností je možné považovat za obchodní tajemství druhé smluvní strany.