Examples of Academy Councils in a sentence
Academy Councils should ensure they facilitate a whole school/college approach to safeguarding.
The following is an outline of duties and responsibilities that have been assigned to CLF Board of Directors, Audit Committee, Executive Team, People & Wellbeing Executive Group, Corporate Services Team, Academy Councils, Academy Councillors’, Principals, Operations Manager, Site Manager and academy staff.
In considering any material changes to this Scheme of Delegation or any framework on which it is based, the Directors will have regard to and give due consideration of any views of the Academy Councils.
Internal monitoring and evaluation by senior staff, e.g. DSLs, Headteachers and Academy Councils is by far the most important aspect of this quality assurance but in addition, SET also have central team colleagues who support this process.
The Academy Councils will ensure that governance arrangements are conducted effectively and within statutory powers and that the Academies receive effective challenge and direction.
The committees of FCAT are the Academy Councils, the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Safeguarding Board.
This Scheme of Delegation explains the ways in which the FCAT Directors fulfil their responsibilities for the leadership and governance of the Trust, the respective roles and responsibilities of the Directors and the Academy Councils and any other commitments to each other that will ensure the success of the academies.
If junction boxes are coming side by side for two or more conduits, one common M.S. box of proper size can be used to act as junction box.
ALP will establish Academy Councils whose governors’ role is to oversee the running of delegated aspects of the academies on behalf of the Trust.
If the number of Academies in FCAT exceeds 4, the Chairs of the Academy Councils will elect 4 from amongst their numbers to be Directors.