Accrediting entity definition
Accrediting entity means a legal, independent, nonprofit or governmental entity or entities approved by the state board of health for the purpose of accrediting designated local public health agencies and the department pursuant to the voluntary accreditation program developed under this chapter.
Accrediting entity means Wisconsin North Central Association, Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation, Independent Schools Association of the Central States, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accredita- tion, National Lutheran School Accreditation, Wisconsin Associ- ation of Christian Schools, Christian Schools International, Asso- ciation of Christian Schools International, the diocese or archdiocese within which a private school is located, and any other organization recognized by the National Council for Private School Accreditation.
Accrediting entity means an organization capable of evaluating the quality of an educational program pursuant to this rule.
Examples of Accrediting entity in a sentence
In this connection, the Secretary of Finance or the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or their duly authorized representative shall sit as ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees of the Accrediting entity with the right to vote.
More Definitions of Accrediting entity
Accrediting entity means all of the following:
Accrediting entity means a legal,
Accrediting entity means an entity responsible for website accreditation, which results from the protocol concluded between the partner entities;
Accrediting entity means an entity recognized by CMS under 45 C.F.R. § 156.275. Current CMS-recognized accrediting entities include Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care
Accrediting entity means a legal, independent,
Accrediting entity means an entity that has been designated by the Secretary to accredit agencies and/or to approve persons for purposes of providing adoption services in the United States in intercountry adoption cases.
Accrediting entity means Wisconsin North Central Association, Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation, Independent Schools Association of the Central States, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accredita- tion, National Lutheran School Accreditation, Wisconsin Associ- ation of Christian Schools, the diocese or archdiocese within which a private school is located, and any other organization rec- ognized by the National Council for Private School Accreditation.