SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. 1. The School Accreditation/Assessment Steering Committee, a committee chosen by the school staff, and the supervising Administrative Officer shall consider and make recommendations in respect of the accreditation process. Such recommendations may include, but are not limited to the following: - the decision to undertake and proceed with the elementary assessment process; - the purpose, goals and objectives of the accreditation/assessment process; - the instruments to be used; - the composition and function of the external team; - the frequency of the elementary assessment process; - the release of the accreditation/assessment findings; - implementation of the recommendations contained in the accreditation/ assessment report; - additional funds and resources required to complete the accreditation/ assessment process beyond those targeted by the Ministry.
2. The Board shall ensure that all funds and resources available from the Ministry in support of the accreditation/assessment process shall be dedicated to that process.
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. 1. School accreditation shall occur as required and as provided for in Ministry of Education guidelines. The full benefit of the targeted funds made available by the Ministry of Education for the assessment process and for implementation shall be directed to the school(s) concerned.
2. It is acknowledged that an internal evaluation for accreditation requires increased clerical time, release time for some teachers, and adequate supplies.
3. The school administration and the Accreditation Steering Committee shall consult with the appropriate district personnel in order to determine the utilization of the targeted funds made available by the Ministry of Education for the purposes of clerical support, teacher release time, and supplies to complete the accreditation.
4. The school administration, the school Accreditation Steering Committee, and the district staff shall consult on the implementation of recommendations arising from the accreditation report. The school administration, with input from the school staff, shall annually review and report to the Board on the progress of implementation of the school growth plan arising from the internal and external accreditation reports.
13.1 A teacher shall, within the bounds of the prescribed curriculum and consistent with effective educational practice, have individual professional autonomy in determining the methods of instruction, and the planning and presentation of course materials in the classes of pupils to which he/she is assigned.
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. 1. The elementary and secondary accreditation process shall occur in accordance with the Ministry Guidelines.
2. It is acknowledged that the accreditation process requires increased clerical time and release time for teachers in order to minimize the disruption to instruction. The Principal/Vice Principal, in consultation with the staff of the school, shall request the Superintendent or designate to provide the extra TTOC and clerical support which the school believes is necessary to perform the accreditation. The Superintendent or designate shall consider this request and determine the amount of additional TTOC and clerical support to be provided on the basis of the Board's budgetary constraints and the funding provided by the Ministry to perform the accreditation.
3. Within budgetary constraints, the school and the Board shall endeavour to implement those recommendations of the internal review with which the external team concurs.
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. 1. The Board and the Local agree that Ministry Policy, or School Act and Regulations covering accreditation, shall constitute the provisions under which school accreditation processes shall occur.
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. The Liaison Committee is composed of two members appointed by the District and two members appointed by the Association.
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. 1. Each school should take part in the accreditation process once every six (6) years.
2. Teachers will be provided with sufficient time and resources to appropriately participate in the accreditation process.
3. Recommendations which emerge from the accreditation process will be forwarded, through the Superintendent, to the Board along with an action plan for implementation.
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. 1. The parties agree that Ministry policy or School Act and Regulations covering accreditation, shall constitute the provisions under which school accreditation processes shall occur.
2. When accreditation of a school is voluntary, it shall only take place when the majority of the staff of that school wish to undertake the process.
3. The school staff shall:
a. establish the goals and objectives of the accreditation process;
b. make recommendations to the Board on the resources which it believes should be committed to the process, which recommendation may include but is not limited to the following:
i. staff release time, ii. clerical support, and
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. The Board shall provide to each school being accredited, five (5) substitute teacher days support during each accreditation cycle. Additional support may be granted by the Superintendent of Schools if the staff and school administrator so request.
SCHOOL ACCREDITATION. 1. Prior to undertaking a school assessment accreditation, the matter will be referred to the Joint CCTA/Board Liaison Committee for consideration and recommendation. The committee shall also consider and recommend concerning the scheduling of accreditations on the six year cycle for the schools of the District.
2. Funds specifically targeted by the Ministry of Education outside the block funding amounts for follow-up action to accreditations will be allocated to each school and utilized in accordance with a budget developed by the school and approved by the Superintendent.