Examples of State board of health in a sentence
When ice is used as an emergency refrigerant by being placed directly into the egg meat, the source of the ice must be certified by the local or State board of health.
SALs shall be:(i) MCLs that have been promulgated by the EPA, but which have not yet been adopted by the state board of health; or(ii) State board of health adopted levels for substances recom- mended by the department and not having an EPA established MCL.
The hiring of new personnel in both the department of labor and the State board of health will begin thirty (30) days after the department is as- sured that State and Federal funds are available.
State board of health adopted levels for substances recom mended by the department and not having an EPA established MCL.
State board of health adopted levels for substances recommended by the department and not having an EPA established MCL.
The number of students shall be set so that the total of students, patrons, and faculty does not exceed the occupancy requirements of the State board of health and the building department of the county in which the school is located.(b) Students shall be at least sixteen years of age and have an education equivalent to the completion of high school.
State board of health adopted levels for substances recom- mended by the department and not having an EPA established MCL.
All Facilities shall be subject to Inspection by any law enforcement agency or by any designated agent of the City as well as by the Summit County Health Department or State board of health, or State Department of Environmental Services.
An emergency or extraordinary condition is defined as including but not limited to: fire, flood, earthquake, impassable roads, an epidemic or pandemic, major safety hazard, unavailability of classroom facilities, any order of any military officer of the United States, an order of a city, county or State board of health or anotheremergency declared by the state or federal government.
While assessing the performance, the Board or the Committee shall take into account attendance of directors in the Board and Committee meetings, performance of the business, accomplishment of long-term strategic objectives & their participation, role & functioning of various committees, compliance and other matter as they may think fit.