Serious emotional disturbance means a diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder affecting a minor that exists or has existed during the past year for a period of time sufficient to meet diagnostic criteria specified in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association and approved by the department and that has resulted in functional impairment that substantially interferes with or limits the minor's role or functioning in family, school, or community activities. The following disorders are included only if they occur in conjunction with another diagnosable serious emotional disturbance:
Disturbance means the placement or reconstruction of impervious surface or motor vehicle surface, or exposure and/or movement of soil or bedrock or clearing, cutting, or removing of vegetation. Milling and repaving is not considered disturbance for the purposes of this definition.
Emotional disturbance means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a student’s educational performance:
Disturbance Control Standard or “DCS” shall mean the reliability standard that sets the time limit following a disturbance within which a balancing authority must return its Area Control Error to within a specified range.
Floodproofing means any combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitation facilities, structures, and their contents.
Non-Disturbance Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.8.9.
explosive actuated fastening device means a tool that is activated by an explosive charge and that is used for driving bolts, nails and similar objects for the purpose of providing fixing;
Anaerobic digester means a liquid manure storage area that is constructed with the intent to capture and combust gas emissions resulting from the digestion of waste by microbes in anaerobic conditions. An anaerobic digester is a LMSA and is required to comply with all requirements applicable to LMSAs. Requirements specific to anaerobic digesters will be noted when applicable.
High global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons means any hydrofluorocarbons in a particular end use for which EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program has identified other acceptable alternatives that have lower global warming potential. The SNAP list of alternatives is found at 40 CFR Part 82 subpart G with supplemental tables of alternatives available at (
Unavoidable means adverse impacts that remain after all appropriate and practicable avoidance and minimization have been achieved.
Polystyrene foam adhesive means an aerosol adhesive designed to bond polystyrene foam to substrates.
Low-level radioactive waste or “waste” means radioactive material that consists of or contains class A, B, or C radioactive waste as defined by 10 C.F.R. 61.55, as in effect on January 26, 1983, but does not include waste or material that is any of the following:
Fluoroscopic imaging assembly means a subsystem in which X-ray photons produce a visual image. It includes the image receptor(s) such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly.
Barrier means Barrier Level x R (initial).
Weathertight means that in any sea conditions water will not penetrate into the ship.
Electrostatic spray means a method of applying a spray coating in which opposite electric charges are applied to the substrate and the coating. The coating is attracted to the substrate by the electrostatic potential between them.
Disinfection means a process which inactivates pathogenic organisms in water by chemical oxidants or equivalent agents.
Polystyrene foam means blown polystyrene and expanded and
Solid insulator means the insulating coating of wiring harnesses, provided in order to cover and prevent the high voltage live parts from any direct contact.
Corrosion inhibitor means a substance capable of reducing the corrosivity of water toward metal plumbing materials, especially lead and copper, by forming a protective film on the interior surface of those materials.
Hydrofluorocarbons means compounds that only contain hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon.
Elevator mechanic means any person who possesses an elevator
Bathing means washing oneself by sponge bath; or in either a tub or shower, including the task of getting into or out of the tub or shower.
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances or “PFAS” means a class of fluorinated organic chemicals containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom.
COVID-19 Pandemic means the epidemic, pandemic or disease outbreak associated with COVID-19.
Expanded polystyrene means blown polystyrene and expanded