Examples of Active Program in a sentence
Active Program Management begins with the development of a program of projects.
Active Program Management (APM) provides both a mechanism for ensuring timely obligations to protect the region’s funding from lapse and rescission, and to provide flexibility for moving forward projects that are “ready” in favor of those that are “delayed.” APM is achieved through strong project and program management with active monitoring of project implementation status from project selection through obligation of federal funds.
If during a project’s time on the Contingency List, the project is not moved to the Active Program, the project shall receive an additional 15 points during the next call for projects if the sponsor re-submits an STP application for the project.
All WIOA services provided to participants must be recorded in ETO and each service must be tied to the Active Program funding source (EcSA, Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, or other WIOA local program).
In such written notice, MERCK shall indicate whether MERCK had a MERCK Active Program for such designated Potential Collaboration Target at the time that MERCK received the AVEO Genetic Screen Data for such Potential Collaboration Target pursuant to Section 3.4.2(a) above.