Add-on definition
Add-on means any development that adds new and independent functionality, but does not modify existing SAP functionality, and is developed using SAP application programming interfaces or other SAP code that allows other software products to communicate with or call on SAP Software.
Add-on means any development that adds new and independent functionality to the Software or Cloud Service, but does not modify existing SAP functionality, and is developed using APIs.
Add-on means any development that adds new and independent functionality, but is not a Modification (defined below), and that uses APIs.
More Definitions of Add-on
Add-on means any development that adds new and independent functionality to the SAP Cloud Service Software, but does not modify existing SAP functionality, and is developed using SAP application programming interfaces or other SAP code that allows other software products to communicate with or call on SAP Cloud Service Software. All Add-ons developed by SAP, independently or jointly with Customer, shall be considered Cloud Material and as such, all intellectual property rights in and related to the Add-ons developed by SAP (independently or jointly with Customer) including any derivatives thereof are owned by SAP, SAP SE, their Affiliates or licensors.
Add-on means any development using APIs that adds new and independent functionality to the Software, but does not modify existing functionality of the Software.
Add-on means each and any integrations, know-how, workflows, code created by Customer using the Technology, independently from UiPath, either individually, or in collaboration with a third-party.
Add-on means a once-only purchase of an additional bank of tournament chips at a specified time, purchased by the tournament player(s) during the play of the tournament;
Add-on means any development that adds new and independent functionality to the SAP Cloud Service Software, but does not modify existing SAP functionality, and is developed using SAP application programming interfaces or other SAP code that allows other software products to communicate with or call on SAP Cloud Service Software. All Add-ons developed by SAP, independently or jointly with Customer, shall be considered Cloud Material.
Add-on means an additional service which is either provided with no minimum period of service or has a minimum period of service or notice period of 30 days or less (including value added services and add-ons with a 30 day or less notice period that renew automatically).
Add-on means any code developed by Licensee or by a third party on Licensee’s behalf communicating with the SAP Software via APIs that adds or supplements new and independent functionality to SAP Software, but does not constitute a Modification (as defined in section 1.8).