Examples of Adult basic education program in a sentence
Adult basic education program aid limit.Increases the maximum contact hour rate from $22 to $28 per year.
Adult basic education program aid limit.Increases the maximum contact hour cap from $22 per hour to $30 per hour.
Such experience must be verified on the teacher service record form (FIN-115) or a similar form containing the same information.▪ Adult basic education program credit.
For personnel granted credit under this section whose employment is split between career and technology and non-career and technology positions, the years granted shall apply to both the career and technology and the non-career and technology positions.(j) Adult basic education program credit.
Adult basic education program helps students prepare individualized career plans to guide their progression through an occupational pathway, which specify the education, training, and credentials they must complete to attain their goals.023810.
Adult basic education program provides advising, counseling, and transition services to facilitate students’ movement to postsecondary education and training.013107.
Young, Fleischman, Fitzgerald, and Morgan (1995) found, through the National Evaluation of Adult Education programs (more than 2,000 local programs) conducted in the early 1990s, that: • Adult basic education program staff were predominantly part time in status: 36% of programs did not have any full-time staff, either in teaching or administration; 59% did not have any full-time instructional staff; and the ratio of part-time to full-time teachers overall was 4 to 1.
Transitioning adults to college: Adult basic education program models.
Such experience must be verifiedon the teacher service record form (FIN-115) or a similar form containing the same information.▪ Adult basic education program credit.
Class days and times: Wednesdays and Fridays 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm An evening adult Adult basic education program will be provided through an online platform but LQSLC will switch to in-person instruction, at _________ Elementary School, if COVID-19 restrictions are lifted during the year and include childcare.