Examples of Agr eement in a sentence
Should Administrator det ermine, through the underw riting process, that the vehicl e/craft is ineligible for the Contract/PMA Agr eement; the Administrator may void or cancel the Contract/PMA Agreement w ithin sixty (60) day s of the date of purchase.
The forbearance or neglect by Administrator and/or Administrator’s or obligor’s insurer to insist upon the performance of an y paragraph, term, or provision of this Agr eement, or its failure to take advantage of its right and privileges in case any xxxxx tion hereof by Dealer, shall not constitute a waiver of any such right and privileges.
If quantities and delivery schedules are not specified in this Agr eement, they will be as reasonably determined by Buyer and stated in releases or schedules issued to Supplier periodically.
Notwithstanding the abo ve, Custom er acknowledges tha t Customer, upon execution of thi s Agr eement an d fr om tim e to time, may enter into certain additional agreements with, or receive certain disclosure docu ments from, TRANSACT as requir ed by applicable law or Exchange rule or as m ay be custo mary in the Commodity I nterest br okerage in dustry.
If the name of the an introducing broker is entered in the space provided at the end of this Agr eement, Customer is using such firm as an intr oducing broker ("IB").
Agr eement, ar e Owner and Design- The parties agree that the contractual relationship of Design-Builder to Owner is one solely of an independent contractor in all respects and that the Design-Build Documents do not in any way create a partnership, joint venture or any other relationship between Owner and Design-Builder other than the contractual relationship as specified in this Agreement.
Any termination of this Agreement will not prejudice any accrued rights or obligations relating to any transaction effected prior to ter mination, an y r ight or remedy available to TRANSACT, or any pr ovision of this Agr eement intended to survive termination.
This instr ument em bodies the entir e Agr eement of the par ties, superseding any and all pr ior agreements, and there are no ter ms, conditions or o bligations other than those c ontained her ein.
Thi s pr ovi s i on i s conti ngent upon pos t agr eement cover age bei ng bot h avail abl e and r eas onabl y aff or dabl e i n r el ati on t o t he cover age pr ovi deddur i ng t he t er m of t hi s Agr eement .
This Agr eement, including the Ar bitration A greement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois.