Examples of Agricultural improvements in a sentence
If the appraised value of the house exceeds 50 percent of the appraised value of the property or total collateral, then the property will not be eligible for an LPP loan.c. Agricultural improvements.
Agricultural improvements may be new or used, and may include additions to or renovation of existing buildings or other structures.
Agricultural improvements are needed for economic growth and poverty reduction in Burkina Faso.
Subchapter B—Bond Market Loan Program 25—2.4(175) Limitations on agricultural improvements and depreciable property.2.4(1) Agricultural improvements and agricultural depreciable property which are to become a fixture or an integral part of real estate may be financed by the authority only if the beginning farmer owns the real estate on which they are to be located.2.4(2) Reserved.
Agricultural improvements offer scope to narrow persistent income disparities between rural and urban areas and to reduce poverty in regions that benefitted little from the economic gains of recent years.
Agricultural improvements, applicable personal property, and rural houses are assessed using sales of comparable property.
Agricultural improvements create income growth and in turn generate expansion in the livestock sector by providing a better-feed base and supply of feed ingredients.
The crop seeds they received from the MYAP project are indicated in Table 6.Table 5: Beneficiaries’ importance ranking of crops relative to food security, by project areaCrops Agricultural improvements, including new cultivation techniques, adoption of improved seeds, etc.
Agricultural improvements are valued by using the three approaches to value: cost, market, and income.
Agricultural improvements, such as ploughing and the application of fertiliser, have been a key driver of species-rich grassland habitat losses.