Examples of AIFM Law in a sentence
The Luxembourg AIFM Law provides that “securitisation special purpose entities” are in principle excluded from the scope of the Luxembourg AIFM Law.
However, the definitions of a “securitisation special purpose entities” under the Luxembourg AIFM Law and “securitisation undertaking” under the Securitisation Law differ.
Thus, an undertaking falling within the definition of “securitisation special purpose entities (structures de titrisation ad hoc) of the AIFM Law, meaning an entity whose sole object is to carry out one or more securitisation transactions within the meaning of ECB Regulation, will not constitute an AIF under the AIFM Law.
The AIFMD was implemented into Luxembourg law by virtue of the Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers (the "AIFM Law").
The AIFM Directive, the AIFM Law and the Royal Decree mainly determine the legal status of the public privak.