Airline Travel definition

Airline Travel coach class air travel with rates nearest to the State contract rate. All airline travel shall be booked no less than 7 days in advance when possible. Reimbursement for air travel booked within 7 days of departure, without the prior approval of the PM/RCM, may be limited. A sales receipt and a boarding pass must be provided for each flight in order to receive reimbursement.

Examples of Airline Travel in a sentence

  • Questica is not responsible for unpredictable (including Commercial Airline Travel) delays which may increase travel cost.

  • Thereafter, the Executive's ongoing salary and benefits (including any travel privileges) shall be commensurate with the level of the position accepted by the Executive; provided, however, that the Executive shall be entitled to the Airline Travel Benefits accorded to American's level 8 employees up until the 30-month anniversary of the Effective Time of the Merger.

  • Airline Travel: Actual coach class air travel with rates nearest to the State contract rate.

  • All provisions of the Prior Agreement relating to the obligations of the Company or any successor to the QQ Business (as that term is defined in the Prior Agreement) (i) upon a Change in Control (as that term is defined in the Prior Agreement), (ii) as to post-Employment Period Airline Travel and Club Benefits (as that term is defined in the Prior Agreement) and (iii) lifetime medical coverage are superceded in their entirety by this Agreement effective immediately.

  • During the Employment Period, American shall provide or cause to provide to the Executive, the Executive's Spouse, the Executive's Parents and the Executive's Eligible Children the same travel privileges accorded to American's level 8 employees (the "Airline Travel Benefits").

  • That discretion, however, “is constrained by the principle of preference favoring and encouraging settlement in appropriate cases.” In re Domestic Airline Travel Antitrust Litig., 378 F.

  • Introduction to Airline Travel –Airline Tourism-Air Taxi Operations- Private Operation- Airport Handling Functions of IATA-ICAO - Aims and Objectives.

  • Download the ATIS (Airline Travel Information System) dataset and unzip it in a directory.

  • Airline Travel Antitrust Litig., 2023 WL 5930973, at *5 (describing legacy carriers as “airlines that existed prior to the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978[] in the United States domestic airline industry[,] includ[ing] .

  • We can train two separate models, but training a joint model has been shown to perform better.In this tutorial, we will train a joint intent-slot model in PyText on the ATIS (Airline Travel Information System) dataset.

Related to Airline Travel

  • Airline means any air transport enterprise offering or operating international air services;

  • Coach means an individual, with coaching endorsement or authorization as required by Iowa law, employed by a school district under the provisions of an extracurricular athletic contract or employed by a nonpublic school in a position responsible for an extracurricular athletic activity. “Coach” also includes an individual who instructs, diagnoses, prescribes, evaluates, assists, or directs student learning of an interscholastic athletic endeavor on a voluntary basis on behalf of a school or school district.

  • Travel trailer means a vehicle:

  • designated airline means an airline designated and authorized in accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement;

  • Air Travel means travel by an airline/aircraft for the purpose of flying therein as a passenger.

  • Travel means all travel required to complete the tasks identified in the Scope of Work. Travel includes in-state and out-of-state travel, and travel to conferences. PIER natural gas funds should be limited to lodging and any form of transportation (e.g., airfare, rental car, public transit, parking, mileage). Use of match funds for out-of-state travel and travel to conferences is encouraged because the Energy Commission might not approve the use of its funds for such travel. If an applicant plans to travel to conferences, including registration fees, they must use match funds. Applicants should be aware of all state and shall adhere to travel restrictions of using state funds to travel to certain other states pursuant to AB 1887 (2016) and codified at California Government Code Section 11139.8. Applicants should be aware and adhere to specific travel restrictions when using state funds for travel to other states pursuant to AB 1887 (2016) and codified at California Government Code Section 11139.8. All applicants are encouraged to go to the Attorney General’s website for a current list of states subject to travel restrictions. Grants awarded under this solicitation shall not contain travel paid for with Commission funds (applicants can instead use match funds) to the listed states unless the Commission approves in writing that the trip falls within one of the exceptions under the law.

  • Online Training means prerecorded training delivered virtually e.g. SAP e-learning.

  • Trip means a period of travel away from home to a Destination outside the Insured’s City of residence; the purpose of the trip is business or pleasure and is not to obtain health care or treatment of any kind; the trip has defined Departure and Return Dates specified when the Insured applies; the trip does not exceed 364 days; travel is primarily by Common Carrier and only incidentally by private conveyance.

  • Universal Digital Loop Carrier (UDLC means the DLC system that has a CO terminal channel bank that is connected to the CO switches on the analog side.

  • Delta means the positive or negative number that is a measure of the change in market value of an option relative to changes in the value of the underlying interest of the option;

  • Travel Services means transportation, accommodation or other travel arrangements including, without limitation, air, rail, bus passenger transportation, hotel accommodation and car hire services.

  • Ferry Flight means the movement of an aircraft without payload to position the aircraft to perform a flight or upon completion of a flight to position the aircraft to a point required by the carrier.

  • Shadow tray means a device attached to the radiation head to support auxiliary beam blocking material.

  • Business Travel Policy means our business travel policy. A copy of our current Business Travel Policy is attached as Schedule 1 to Exhibit B.

  • Transient lodging means a room or a suite of rooms.

  • travel distance means the distance an occupant has to travel to reach an exit.

  • Airport lounge means a business location:

  • Travel Supplier means any entity or organization that coordinates or supplies travel services for You.

  • PEBB program means the program within the HCA that administers insurance and other benefits for eligible employees (as described in WAC 182-12-114), eligible retired employees (as described in WAC 182-12-171 and 182-12-180), eligible survivors (as described in WAC 182-12-180, 182-12-250, and 182-12-265), eligible dependents (as de- scribed in WAC 182-12-250 and 182-12-260) and others as defined in RCW 41.05.011.

  • Meals means, for a mixed beverage license, an assortment of foods commonly ordered in bona

  • Flight means any flight demonstration, flight test, taxi test, or other flight made in the performance of this contract, of for the purpose of safeguarding the aircraft, or previously approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.

  • Travel Companion means an individual, other than an Immediate Family Member, who accompanied the Covered Person on the trip where the emergency occurred.

  • Passenger Services means, those railway passenger services provided by or on behalf of the Beneficiary pursuant to the permission to use track granted in accordance with the Track Access Agreement;

  • Lodging means living accommodations available to the employee for full-time occupancy which are adequate, decent, and sanitary according to usual and customary standards. Employees shall not be required to share a bed.

  • Residence employee means: a. An employee of an "insured", or an employee leased to an "insured" by a labor leasing firm, under an agreement between an "insured" and the labor leasing firm, whose duties are related to the maintenance or use of the "residence premises", including household or domestic services; or b. One who performs similar duties elsewhere not related to the "business" of an "insured".

  • Travel retailer means a business entity that makes, arranges, or offers travel services and may offer and disseminate travel insurance as a service to its customers on behalf of and under the direction of a limited lines travel insurance producer.