Alternative energy system definition
Examples of Alternative energy system in a sentence
Alternative energy system qualification.* * * * *(f) A facility may not be qualified unless the Department has verified compliance with applicable environmental regulations, and the standards set forth in section 2 of the act (73 P.
Alternative energy system means sources of energy or energy conversion processes that significantly reduce the amount of harmful emissions to the environment (air, earth and water) when compared to conventional energy systems.
As used in this part, the following definitions apply: (1) "Alternative energy system" means the generation system or equipment used to convert energy sources into usable sources using fuel cells that do not require hydrocarbon fuel, geothermal systems, low-emission wood or biomass, wind, photovoltaics, geothermal, small hydropower plants under 1 megawatt, and other recognized nonfossil forms of energy generation.
Electricity produced from an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy in a hydrogen-rich fuel directly into electricity, heat and water without combustion.(b) Alternative energy system status may be granted to existing or new facilities, except where provided otherwise, that generate or conserve electricity through the following Tier II alternative energy fuel sources and technologies:(1) Large scale hydropower.
If we apply this to the pluriverse we then have all the elements.This operation exhausts all elements as the pluriverse and its parts are all the elements.