Examples of Alternative water supplies in a sentence
Alternative water supplies have been provided to affected parties whose original water supply has been contaminated by the release.
Alternative water supplies may be secured by the deepening of private wells, drilling of new wells or other such alternatives as may be specified by the planning authority.
Alternative water supplies as defined by section 101(34) of CERCLA, includes, but is not limited to, drinking water and household water supplies.
Alternative water supplies indicated in Chapter VIII, Section 2 shall not be used by mobile food establishments.
Alternative water supplies are available if they can be utilized with the exercise of reasonable diligence within a reasonable time.
Alternative water supplies such as surface water will be tested to ensure compliance with drinking water guidelines (e.g., microbial water quality).
Alternative water supplies became available from 29 December, mainly through local councils.
Alternative water supplies were provided via mobile tankers, temporary tanks (bowsers) in the streets and bottled water.
Alternative water supplies include seawater desalination, brackish surface or ground water, water that has been reclaimed after one or more uses, stormwater, and any other water supply source designated as non-traditional.
Alternative water supplies can be developed from a number of sources, including flood recharge, watershed management and importing water from other areas.