Angus Council definition
Examples of Angus Council in a sentence
This mechanism takes the form of binding directions from the Integration Joint Board to one or both of Angus Council and NHS Tayside.
The IJB’s finances are overseen by the IJB’s Chief Finance Officer with support from Finance functions within Angus Council and NHS Tayside.
This report will be placed before the full Council by 30 September.APPENDIX A - ANNEX A Angus Council - Treasury Management Policy Statement The need to prepare a Treasury Management Policy Statement is a requirement of the Treasury Management in the Public Services Code of Practice published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.
This support is provided as part of overall arrangements for corporate support services whereby Angus Council and NHS Tayside provide a range of services, including Finance, Human Resources and Legal & Democratic Services, without charge to Angus IJB.
Any one or a combination of the options detailed below can be used to continue to ensure that the loans portfolio delivers maximum benefit to Angus Council during the forthcoming financial year.
On an annual basis, Angus IJB negotiates budget settlements with both Angus Council and NHS Tayside.
Angus Council will ensure diversification of its portfolio by limiting the value of investments that can be placed with any one institution or group.
The Sub-Committee noted that the agreement had been revised to reflect changes in the Schools and Learning team management structure arising from the Angus Council Managers’ Review completed in November 2017.
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Directors of Finance Section recommends the inclusion of certain “financial ratios” in the Management Commentary to assist the reader to assess the performance of Angus Council over the financial year and the affordability of its ongoing commitments.
Angus IJB is a formal Partnership between NHS Tayside and Angus Council (the Parties) as described in the Angus IJB Integration Scheme.