Apex definition

Apex means a point on an alluvial fan or similar landform below which the flow path of the major stream that formed the fan becomes unpredictable and alluvial fan flooding can occur.
Apex refers to Apex Clearing Corporation.
Apex means the point of highest elevation on an alluvial fan, which on undisturbed fans is generally the point where the major stream that formed the fan emerges from the mountain front.

Examples of Apex in a sentence

  • Apex has purchased an additional insurance policy through a group of London Underwriters (with Lloyd's of London Syndicates as the Lead Underwriter) to supplement SIPC protection.

  • Apex endeavors to ensure that third party service providers who may have access to non-public personal information are following appropriate standards of security and confidentiality.

  • We seek to protect non- public personal information that is provided to Apex by your introducing firm or otherwise obtained by Apex by implementing physical and electronic safeguards.

  • As a general policy, our staff will not discuss or disclose information regarding an account except; 1) with authorized personnel of your introducing firm, 2) as required by law or pursuant to regulatory request, or 3) as authorized by Apex to a third party or affiliate providing services to your account or pursuing Apex’s legitimate business interests.

  • In order to service your account as a clearing broker, information is provided to Apex by your introducing firm who collects information from you in order to provide the financial services that you have requested.

More Definitions of Apex

Apex refers to Apex Clearing Corporation. “Customer” refers to the party or parties signing this agreement.
Apex means the Delhi Co-operative Housing Finance Corporation Ltd; a co-operative society registered to provide long term finances for construction, development of infrastructure, bridge loan for land etc., against certain securities or sureties for construction, purchase of land, etc.;
Apex means each of the Normal APEX, the Stripped APEX and the Capital APEX.
Apex has the meaning specified in the Trust Agreement.
Apex means the thickest point of a formation;
Apex means a society the membership of which is restricted to
Apex means the point at which two saw cuts meet to form a notch.