Examples of APC in a sentence
Teachers desiring to renew their APC may do so by presenting a Professional Development Plan and obtaining six (6) semester hours of acceptable credit.
If these conditions are not met, the article will be published either as a restricted-access publication available only to subscribers / licensees of AIPP’s program, or as an Open Access (OA) publication if the author chooses to pay the requisite Article Publishing Charges (APC) as posted for each journal on AIPP’s website.
If it is deemed that article publishing will exceed the agreed number of articles for each year, an offer to corresponding authors to publish in Hybrid OA Journals at a discounted rate of Approval of eligible articles within the provision of the free APC publications cap will be handled by the Licensee.
The Association Policy Committee (APC) shall support teacher participation in the implementation of the MTYRSs.
School-related activities under section AA are subject to agreement between the APC and the school administrator.