Examples of Appeals Tribunal in a sentence
Recipients who are dissatisfied with the outcome of a Centrelink review of a debt recovery decision can apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
Forms on which an AAT appeal may be lodged are available from the AAT Registry in each State by writing to GPO Box 9955 in each capital city, phoning 1800 228 333 or from the Administrative Appeals Tribunal website at www.aat.gov.au.
The London Plan policies under appeal to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (Appeal PL170100) and not in force and effect are indicated with an asterisk throughout this report.
Appeals Entities aggrieved by a decision of a Beyond Zero Bid Adjudication Committee or a delegate of an accounting officer, may appeal to the Bid Appeals Tribunal in the prescribed manner by the Supply Chain Management Policy.
The address provided for the lodging of appeals is: The Chairperson Bid Appeals Tribunal Private Bag X9082 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0000 FAX NO.: 000 000 0000 T1.1 TENDER NOTICE AND INVITATION TO TENDER CONTRACT NO.