Applicable county definition
Examples of Applicable county in a sentence
Applicable county rules and regulations should be reviewed as part of the land use due diligence.The Buyer’s attorney should also carefully review all of the items submitted by the Seller in accordance with the due diligence provisions of the purchase contract.
Applicable county planning policies and zoning regulations that pertain to the project site are described below, as are applicable LAVQAR Specific Plan management goals and policies, followed by a discussion of the project’s consistency or inconsistency with each relevant policy.
Applicable county planning policies and zoning regulations that pertain to the project site are described below, followed by a discussion of the project’s consistency or inconsistency with each relevant policy.
Applicable county inquiries were sent September 5 and are due back September 24.
Applicable county plans and policies related to land use and planning are presented, and potential land use conflicts are identified.