County in definition

County in. State::; and Or was this filed by the Husband? Or, take this out if not filed.the Parties are the parents and legal guardians of the following minor children:[NAME OF CHILD][NAME OF CHILD](Add more children as needed or omit this if not needed)the Parties desire to settle in perpetuity their respective rights, duties and obligations and all claims either Party may have against the other; In consideration of the above, and of the mutual promises and agreements contained in this Divorce Settlement Agreement, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:
County in. State::; and Or was this filed by the Husband?
County in. State::; and Or was this filed by the Husband? Or, take this out if not filed.the Parties are the parents and legal guardians of the following minor children:(Add more children as needed or omit this if not needed)the Parties desire to settle in perpetuity their respective rights, duties and obligations, and all claims either Party may have against the other;In consideration of the above, and of the mutual promises and agreements contained in this Divorce Settlement Agreement, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:The Parties agree to live separate and apart from each other, as if not married, and each Party shall be free from any interference, harassment, authority or control whatsoever of the other Party. The Parties shall each have full and unfettered control over their own destiny.The following property is subject to equitable division between the Parties and the Parties agree to the division of such property as described in the subparagraphs xxxxx.Xx a community property state, nearly anything you get during the marriage is considered a marital asset unless it was an inheritance or gift to only you. In an equitable distribution state, the court determines whether something is a marital asset or separate property. Title to the Marital Residence is in both Parties’ names, and other than a mortgage on the Marital Residence held by BANK NAME, there are no liens or encumerances on the Marital Residence. Upon execution of this Divorce Settlement Agreement, Wife shall assume ownership of the Marital Residence as well as any and all rights, responsibilities and obligations related to the Marital Residence and Husband releases and relinquishes to the Wife any and all right, title, claim or interest Husband may have in or to such Marital Xxxxxxxxx.Xx execution of this Divorce Settlement Agreement, the Parties represent and warrant that the Parties have resolved any and all issues or disagreements regarding equitable division of Tangible Property. As of the Effective Date of this Divorce Settlement Agreement, Husband, having departed the Marital Residence as of the Separation Date, has removed from the Marital Residence all of the Tangible Property he has any claims on and Wife makes no claims, now or in the future, related to such property. As such, all Tangible Property existing at the Marital Residence shall be the sole and exclusive property of the Wife, and Husband releases and relinquishes to the Wife any and all right, tit...

Examples of County in in a sentence

  • No exceptions, alternatives, substitutes or revisions are valid or binding on County unless authorized by County in writing.

  • Contractor represents and warrants that services to be provided under this Contract shall fully comply, at Contractor’s expense, with all standards, laws, statutes, restrictions, ordinances, requirements, and regulations (collectively “laws”), including, but not limited to those issued by County in its governmental capacity and all other laws applicable to the services at the time services are provided to and accepted by County.

  • No alteration or variation of the terms of this Contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties; no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on either of the parties; and no exceptions, alternatives, substitutes or revisions are valid or binding on County unless authorized by County in writing.

  • The Vendor/Contractor shall purchase and maintain insurance with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Missouri or in the state where the vendor is incorporated or otherwise licensed to do business and which shall remain, at all times during the term of any contract with the County, in full force and effect.

  • No alteration or variation of the terms of this Contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the Parties; no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on either of the Parties; and no exceptions, alternatives, substitutes or revisions are valid or binding on County unless authorized by County in writing.

  • No penalty or expense shall accrue to the County in the event this provision applies.

  • In either event, the defaulting contractor (or his surety) shall be liable to the County for costs to the County in excess of the defaulted contract prices; provided, however, that the contractor shall continue the performance of this contract to the extent not terminated under the provisions of this clause.

  • Failure to notify the County in a timely manner of any claim of Force Majeure made pursuant to this section is cause for termination of this contract.

  • The following criteria may be considered by the County in selecting the most advantageous quote: a) Ability to perform the service required within the specified time; b) Conformance to specification; c) The quality of performance in previous contracts; d) Financial ability to perform the contract; e) Item pricing; f) vendor references.

  • Used, rebuilt and refurbished items will not be considered unless specifically authorized by Fulton County in the written specifications.

Related to County in

  • County means the county of Los Angeles or any public entities for which the board of supervisors is the governing body. (Ord. 2002-0040 § 1, 2002: Ord. 2002-0015 § 1 (part), 2002)

  • County highway means a public road that is constructed and

  • County clerk means the county clerk or the county official in charge of elections.

  • County of residence means the county in this state in which, at the time a person applies for or receives services, the person is living and has established an ongoing presence with the declared, good faith intention of living in the county for a permanent or indefinite period of time. The county of residence of a person who is a homeless person is the county where the homeless person usually sleeps. A person maintains residency in the county in which the person last resided while the person is present in another county receiving services in a hospital, a correctional facility, a halfway house for community-based corrections or substance-related treatment, a nursing facility, an intermediate care facility for persons with an intellectual disability, or a residential care facility, or for the purpose of attending a college or university. (IC 331.394(1)a)

  • County agency means the county social service board.

  • County Engineer means the holder of the statutory office of County Engineer for Harris County or the employee designated by the County Engineer to perform a task required by these Regulations.

  • County department means the county or district department of human or social services.

  • County Assessor means the Greenville County Assessor, or the person holding any successor office of the County.

  • County board means a county board of developmental disabilities.

  • County Manager means the County Manager appointed by the County Council pursuant to the Luzerne County Charter;

  • sitting means, in relation to a House, a period during which that House is sitting continuously without adjournment, and includes any period during which the House is in committee;

  • Recorder means either a personal video recorder (PVR) or digital video recorder (DVR) which must satisfy the following features:

  • Counties means, collectively, Macomb County, Oakland County and Wayne County.

  • the City means the City and County of San Francisco, a municipal corporation, acting by and through both its Director of the Office of Contract Administration or the Director’s designated agent, hereinafter referred to as “Purchasing” and [insert name of department].

  • Parish means the Church of England parish in which the Academy is situated or one which it serves;

  • County Attorney means the County Attorney of the County of Suffolk.

  • County office means any officer, department, board, commission, agency, court, or other instrumentality of a county.

  • County Superintendent means the Executive County Superintendent of Schools designated by the Department of Education for this school district.

  • County review agency means an agency designated by the County Board of Chosen Freeholders to review municipal stormwater management plans and implementing ordinance(s). The county review agency may either be:

  • County Property Taxes means any property tax obligation on the County's secured or unsecured roll; except for tax obligations on the secured roll with respect to property held by a Contractor in a trust or fiduciary capacity or otherwise not beneficially owned by the Contractor.

  • County Executive means the County Executive of the County.

  • Cook means an employee who grills food on a salamander, stove, hot plate or barbecue type cooker and shall include preparing, frying or cooking fish or chicken or cooking pizzas.

  • Downtown means the area covered by the Downtown Community Plan.(BYLAW 7688, 2014)

  • County employee means any individual authorized by Hardin County to inspect any Game Room for compliance with these Regulations.

  • County authority means the board of county commissioners,

  • County indigent transcript means a transcript that is paid for from county funds and is for the use on behalf of a litigant who has been declared indigent by a court.