Examples of Application round in a sentence
MFA intends to conduct one competitive LIHTC Application round each calendar year.
The Project’s ranking relative to Initial Application year Projects will be determined by calculating the Project Score as a percentage of the highest score in its initial allocation round, and multiplying that percentage by the highest score in the subsequent Application round to derive its subsequent Application year score and ranking among the subsequent round Applications.
Questions concerning the competitive LIHTC Application round Application requirements must be submitted through MFA’s website at www.housingnm.org/low-income-housing-tax-credits-lihtc- allocations.
Projects to be located on adjacent sites proposed by the same Applicant in the same LIHTC Application round will be treated as a single Project.
No Applicant, any General Partner or affiliate of an Applicant or person or entity receiving or identified as eligible to receive any part of a developer fee for a Project may receive more than two tax credit Reservations in any given competitive LIHTC Application round.
Allocation to New Construction and Rehabilitation Projects In order to serve both the purpose of building new affordable housing units and rehabilitating existing structures to create or preserve affordable housing units, MFA will allocate the tax credits awarded in the 9% Application round based on project type.
Applications for eligible tax-exempt bond projects may be submitted and ADOH may allocate such Tax Credits outside the normal Application round.
Commitments of Competitive HTCs issued by the Board in the current program year will be applied to each Set-aside, Rural regional allocation, Urban regional allocation, and/or USDA Set-aside for the current Application round as appropriate.
Commitments of Competitive HTCs issued by the Board in the current program year will be applied to each Set-aside, Rural regional allocation, Urban regional allocation, and USDA Set-aside for the current Application round as appropriate.
In order to serve both the purpose of building new affordable housing units and rehabilitating existing structures to create or preserve affordable housing units, MFA will allocate the tax credits awarded in the 9% Application round based on project type.