Examples of Request for Applications (RFA) in a sentence
Solicitation, Funding Announcement or Request for Applications (RFA) the document (including all exhibits, attachments, and published addenda), issued by the System Agency under which applications for grant funds were requested, which is incorporated by reference in the Grant Agreement for all purposes in its entirety.
Applications must be submitted using the format and sequence described in these Instructions and address the Request for Applications (RFA) Specification for the project for which funding is sought.
This Request for Applications (RFA) is open to Applicants proposing the construction of affordable housing utilizing HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME-rental) Program funding for Developments in Rural Areas.
Under certain programs, CIRM may limit eligibility to meet the specific goals of a Program Announcement (PA) or Request for Applications (RFA).
WHEREAS, SCCD was awarded a “Small Business Sector Navigator” Grant #16-151-010 (hereinafter “Grant”), from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Division of Workforce and Economic Development, to disseminate funds to community colleges to implement the “Faculty Entrepreneurship Champion Mini-grant Project” (hereinafter “Project”), for faculty sponsored projects related to small business and entrepreneurship per the Request for Applications (RFA) issued August 8, 2016.
APPLICABILITY: This provision must be included in any new Request for Applications (RFA) or Annual Program Statement (APS) that intends to obligate FY04 or later funds made available for HIV/AIDS activities, regardless of the program account.
This Request for Applications (RFA) solicits applications for innovative research projects addressing critically important questions that will significantly advance knowledge of the causes, prevention, and/or treatment of cancer.
Applications that best address this program’s priorities will score higher than those that less meet the goals of this Request for Applications (RFA).
This Request for Applications (RFA) is open to Non-Profit Applicants proposing the development of independent Permanent Supportive Housing for either (i) persons with a Disabling Condition that also includes a portion of units for Homeless individuals and families; or (ii) Persons with Developmental Disabilities.
This grant award sets forth the responsibilities and obligations of TWC, the other party(ies) to this grant (hereinafter identified as the Grantee), and its Fiscal Agent (if different from the Grantee), with respect to the implementation and administration of the program defined within the Request for Applications (RFA) and the Grant Application.