Examples of Applied scholarship in a sentence
Applied scholarship in the form of extensive course revision and/or development of new courses will also be considered.
Applied scholarship -- Consider: supervises student research; formal consulting, technical assistance, or policy analysis producing a written report or other product; program evaluation or grant writing for publics external to the university (i.e., business, non-profit organizations, public schools, citizen organizations, etc.) (list organization, where, when - full bibliographical entry).
Applied scholarship is the use of any basic scholarship in settings appropriate to individual disciplines.
Applied scholarship (concerned with the application, transfer, and interpretation of knowledge to improve management practice and teaching) a.
Applied scholarship synthesizes new understandings or interpretations of knowledge or technology; develops new technologies, processes, tools, or uses; and/or refines, develops, or advances new methods based on existing knowledge.
Applied scholarship normally impacts the theory, knowledge and/or practice of business and management.
Standards: Applied scholarship that serves the legal profession and other professional entities is highly valued.
When scholarly creations such as exhibitions, films, and festivals are juried by panels and other reviewers that can be shown to be “at arms length”, this scholarship should be recognized as comparable to peer-reviewed publications.2. Applied scholarship often displays considerable overlap between research, teaching and service.
Applied scholarship activities that relate directly to the intellectual work of the faculty member and are carried out through consultation, policy analysis, program evaluation, the creation of a new program related to Human Services, the creation of a widely disseminated media (e.g. video, blog, social media, etc.) In documenting applied work, faculty should include their own written record of the project, and, where possible, the evaluations by those who received the service.
Applied scholarship activities that relate directly to the intellectual work of the faculty member and are carried out through consultation, policy analysis, program evaluation, and so forth are also considered.