Apprenticeship sponsor definition

Apprenticeship sponsor means an entity operating an apprenticeship program or an entity in whose name an apprenticeship program is being operated, which is registered with or approved by the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship.
Apprenticeship sponsor means an entity operating an apprenticeship program or in whose name an apprenticeship program is being operated, registered or approved by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.
Apprenticeship sponsor means a person operating an apprenticeship program or in whose name an apprenticeship program is being operated, registered, or approved.

Examples of Apprenticeship sponsor in a sentence

  • Boards must verify that the program is a Registered Apprenticeship sponsor with the DOL Office of Apprenticeship.

  • Registered Apprenticeship as Employment WIA and Wagner-Peyser clients who receive core and intensive services resulting in their entry into a Registered Apprenticeship program become employees of the Registered Apprenticeship sponsor and can be tracked against Common Measures associated with employment.

  • Through this Competitive Grant Proposal, MD Labor solicited proposals from partnerships of local public school systems and Registered Apprenticeship sponsors that would expand the number of high school students participating in youth apprenticeship, while they are dually enrolled utilizing School-to-Apprenticeship as apprentices with a Registered Apprenticeship sponsor.

  • WIA and Wagner-Peyser clients who receive core and intensive services resulting in their entry into a Registered Apprenticeship program become employees of the Registered Apprenticeship sponsor and can be tracked against Common Measures associated with employment.

  • This experience will be managed by a Registered Apprenticeship sponsor.

More Definitions of Apprenticeship sponsor

Apprenticeship sponsor means an individual approved to conduct tattooing apprenticeship training who meets the qualifications in 18VAC41-50-70.
Apprenticeship sponsor means an employer, association,
Apprenticeship sponsor means an entity operating an apprenticeship program or an entity in whose name an apprenticeship program is being operated, which entity is registered with or approved by the United States department of labor, office of apprenticeship, or the Iowa office of apprenticeship. “Apprenticeship sponsor” includes a lead apprenticeship sponsor, sponsor, or intermediary, and an employer who provides training through a lead apprenticeship sponsor, sponsor, or intermediary.
Apprenticeship sponsor means an individual approved to conduct body-piercing apprenticeship training who meets the qualifications in 18VAC41-60-70.
Apprenticeship sponsor means a person operating an apprenticeship program or in whose name an apprenticeship program is being operated, registered, or approved.90 Acts, ch 1253, §46 2010 Acts, ch 1069, §35; 2010 Acts, ch 1193, §47260C.45 Quality instructional centers. Repealed by 2006 Acts, ch 1152, §56. 260C.46 Program and administrative sharing.By September 1, 1990, the department shall establish guidelines and an approval process for program sharing agreements and for administrative sharing agreements entered into by two or more community colleges or by a community college and a higher education institution under the control of the board of regents. Guidelines established shall be designed to increase student access to programs, enhance educational program offerings throughout the state, and enhance interinstitutional cooperation in program offerings.90 Acts, ch 1253, §48C91, §280A.46C93, §260C.4697 Acts, ch 23, §29 260C.47 Accreditation of community college programs.
Apprenticeship sponsor means an entity
Apprenticeship sponsor means an entity operating