Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank definition

Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank means, unless the Board des- ignates a different Federal Reserve Bank:
Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank means, unless the Board designates a different Federal ReserveBank:
Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank means, unless the Board des- ignates a different Federal Reserve Bank:12 CFR Ch. II (1–1–07 Edition)

Examples of Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank in a sentence

  • Designated Board members and officers and the Federal Reserve Banks are authorized by the Board to exercise various func- tions prescribed in this regulation, in the Board’s Rules Regarding Delega- tion of Authority (12 CFR part 265), the Board’s Rules of Procedure (12 CFR part 262), and in Board orders.(b) Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank.

  • Designated Board members and officers and the Federal Reserve Banks are authorized by the Board to exercise various func- tions prescribed in this regulation and in the Board’s Rules Regarding Delega- tion of Authority (12 CFR part 265) and the Board’s Rules of Procedure (12 CFR part 262).(b) Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank.

  • Return to the Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank the original and number of copies of the completed report required by the Federal Reserve Bank.

  • INST-4 Instructions for Preparation of Reporting Form FR Y-12Line Item Instructions September 2001Glossary For the definition of Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank, Bank Holding Company, BHC Act, Company, Control, Depository Institution, Edge Corporation, Financial Holding Company, and Foreign Investment, please refer to the glossary of the FR Y-10.

  • Desig na t ed Bo ar d m e m be r s an d office r s an d t h e F ede ra l R ese r ve B an k s ar e au t h o r ized b y t h e Bo ar d t o exe r cise v ar io u s fun c- t io n s p r esc r ibed i n t h is r eg u l a t io n an d i n t h e Bo ar d’s Ru les R eg ar di n g Deleg a-t io n of A u t h o r i t y (12 C F R p ar t 265) an d t h e Bo ar d’s Ru les of P r oced ur e (12 C F R p ar t 262).( b) Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank.

Related to Appropriate Federal Reserve Bank

  • New York Federal Reserve s Website" means the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York currently at, or any successor website;

  • Appropriate Federal Banking Agency means the “appropriate Federal banking agency” with respect to the Corporation as defined in Section 3(q) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. Section 1813(q)), or any successor provision.

  • Federal Reserve Bank The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and/or such other Federal Reserve Banks as may maintain Pass-Through Certificates on the Fed System, or any successor selected or approved by Xxxxxxx Mac.

  • NY Federal Reserve means the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

  • New York Federal Reserve’s Website means the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York currently at, or any successor website;

  • Federal Reserve Board means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

  • NY Federal Reserve’s Website means the website of the NY Federal Reserve, currently at xxxx://, or any successor website of the NY Federal Reserve or the website of any successor administrator of the Secured Overnight Financing Rate.

  • Federal Reserve means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

  • Federal Reserve Act means the Federal Reserve Act, as amended.

  • Federal banking agency means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, the National Credit Union Administration and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;

  • Federal banking agencies means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

  • Reserve Bank means the Reserve Bank of India constituted by Section 3 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934).

  • Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Website means the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at xxxx://, or any successor source.

  • Federal Reserve Bank of New York s Website” means the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at, or any successor source.

  • Insurance Act means the Insurance Act, 1938;

  • Board of Governors means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States of America.

  • Required Accumulation Reserve sub-Account Amount means, with respect to any Monthly Period during the Accumulation Reserve Funding Period, an amount equal to (i) 0.5% of the Outstanding Dollar Principal Amount of the Class A(2019-1) Notes as of the close of business on the last day of the preceding Monthly Period or (ii) any other amount designated by the Issuer; provided, however, that if such designation is of a lesser amount, the Note Rating Agencies shall have provided prior written confirmation that a Ratings Effect will not occur with respect to such change.

  • FDI Act means the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

  • national department means a department of State within the national sphere of government;

  • Regulation CF means Regulation Crowdfunding promulgated under the Securities Act.

  • Targeted Accumulation Reserve Subaccount Deposit means, with respect to any Distribution Date during the Accumulation Reserve Funding Period, an amount equal to (i) [0.5]% of the Outstanding Dollar Principal Amount of the Class A( - ) Notes as of the close of business on the last day of the related Due Period or (ii) any other amount designated by the Calculation Agent on behalf of the Issuer.]

  • Qualified United States financial institution means an institution that:

  • Federal Power Act means the Federal Power Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. §§ 791a, et seq. FERC or Commission:

  • Citizen of the United States has the meaning specified for such term in Section 40102(a)(15) of Title 49 of the United States Code or any similar legislation of the United States enacted in substitution or replacement therefor.

  • FRB means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States.

  • Compliance account means a NOx allowance tracking system account, established by the U.S. EPA for a NOx budget unit under section 10 of this rule, in which the NOx allowance allocations for the unit are initially recorded and in which are held NOx allowances available for use by the unit for an ozone control period for the purpose of meeting the unit’s NOx budget emissions limitation.