Examples of Archeological site in a sentence
Archeological site placement could again range from the old shoreline to the upper reaches of the drainages running down from the south; Bonita Street, at least on its eastern end, probably marked the line of extension.
The participating landowners (Block 40/47 Developers Group Inc.) collectively own, approximately 208.03 hectares, of which an estimated 76.64 hectares are comprised of valley lands, valley buffer, wetlands, and the historic First Nations Archeological site (noted as Urban Area on Attachment 3).
Archeological site avoidance is the preferred option for mitigating an undue adverse effect.
Examples include streets, anomalies, sampling location(s), cultural resources, and environmental, biological, and socio-economic variables Archeological site locations will not be released to the public without written permission from USACE COR Final GIS deliverable shall include all documentation, reports, meeting minutes, databases, etc.
Archeological site locations are considered sensitive information and are protected by federal and state laws.
Bannock County is home to numerous sites of historical and archeological significance, including 29 sites and structures on the National Register of historic places, the Fort Hall Trading Post Archeological site and Oregon Trail markers.
Impact: Follow cultural resource protections outlined to avoid impacts to archeological resources.CulturalCultural Landscapes Wawona Archeological DistrictNone Cultural Ethnographic ResourcesNone CulturalMuseum CollectionsNone Cultural Prehistoric/historic structuresCA-MRP-2104HNoneIssue: Archeological site CA-MRP-2104H consists of a portion of a historic road.
An oil or gas facility development shall not be permitted within a designated Cultural, Historic, or Archeological site, a site listed on the National Register for Historic places.
Nearest Archeological site is “Khajuraho Group of Temples” in Khajuraho, which is at a distance of (42- 120)km from subproject towns.
Cross-reference other contract specific Appendices as appropriate including Appendices 1/7 and 1/13] 1 (02/16) Ecological site clearance restrictions or measures [cross reference Series 3000 Clauses and/or contract specific Appendices as appropriate].2 (02/16) Archeological site clearance restrictions or measures.