Rehabilitation services means face-to-face individual or group services provided by qualified staff to develop skill necessary to perform activities of daily living and successful integration into community life.
Vocational rehabilitation services means the unit of vocational rehabilitation established in IC 12-12-1-2(2) as a unit of the rehabilitation services bureau in DDRS.
Rehabilitative services means specialized services provided by a therapist or a therapist’s assistant to a resident to attain optimal functioning, including, but not limited to, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and audiology.
Rehabilitation counseling services means services provided by qualified personnel in individual or group sessions that focus specifically on career development, employment preparation, achieving independence, and integration in the workplace and community of a student with a disability. The term also includes vocational rehabilitation services provided to a student with disabilities by vocational rehabilitation programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
Habilitative services means those services provided by
Rehabilitation Hospital means an Institution which mainly provides therapeutic and restorative services to Sick or Injured people. It is recognized as such if:
Rehabilitation Plan means a written plan designed to enable the Employee to return to work. The Rehabilitation Plan will consist of one or more of the following phases:
Community rehabilitation program means a program that provides directly or facilitates the provision of one or more of the following vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities to enable those individuals to maximize their opportunities for employment, including career advancement:
Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.
Rehabilitation Program means a written vocational rehabilitation program:
Cemetery services means cremations, grave openings and closings, and installation of grave memorials.
COVERED HEALTHCARE SERVICES means any service, treatment, procedure, facility, equipment, drug, device, or supply that we have reviewed and determined is eligible for reimbursement under this plan.
Respite services means a temporary period of relief and support for individuals and their families provided in a variety of settings. The intent is to provide a safe environment with staff assistance for individuals who lack an adequate support system to address current issues related to a disability. Respite may be provided for a defined period of time; respite is either planned or provided in response to a crisis.
Rehabilitation means the repair, renovation, alteration or reconstruction of any building or structure, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-6.
Community-based rehabilitation means one or more of the
Nursing services means the provision of individual-specific advice, plans, or interventions by a nurse at a home based on the nursing process as outlined by the Oregon State Board of Nursing. Nursing services differ from administrative nursing services.
Preconstruction services means services and other activities during the design phase.
Hospice services means symptom and pain management to a terminally ill individual, and emotional, spiritual and bereavement services for the individual and their family in a place of temporary or permanent residence, and may include the provision of home health and home care services for the terminally ill individual.
Housing Services means the active search and promotion of individual access to, and choice in, safe and affordable housing that is appropriate to the individual's age, culture, and needs.
water services means water supply services and sanitation services;
Healthcare services means any services included in the furnishing to any individual of medical, podiatric, or dental care, or hospitalization, or incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization, and the furnishing to any person of any and all other services for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing, or healing human illness, injury, or physical disability. Medically Necessary means medical, surgical, or other services required for the prevention, diagnosis, cure, or treatment of a health-related condition, including such services necessary to prevent a decremental change in either medical or mental health status. Originating Site means a site at which a patient is located at the time Healthcare Services are provided to them by means of telemedicine, which can be include a patient's home where Medically Necessary and Clinically Appropriate. Store-and-forward Technology means the technology used to enable the transmission of a patient's medical information from an Originating Site to the Healthcare Provider at the Distant Site without the patient being present. Telemedicine means the delivery of clinical Healthcare Services by use of real time, two-way synchronous audio, video, telephone-audio-only communications or electronic media or other telecommunications technology including, but not limited to: online adaptive interviews, remote patient monitoring devices, audiovisual communications, including the application of secure video conferencing and store-and-forward technology to provide or support healthcare delivery, which facilitate the assessment, diagnosis, counseling and prescribing treatment, and care management of a patient’s health care while such patient is at an Originating Site and the Healthcare Provider is at a Distant Site, consistent with applicable federal laws and regulations. “Telemedicine” does not include an email message or facsimile transmission between a Provider and patient, or an automated computer program used to diagnose and/or treat ocular or refractive conditions. General Requirements
Community services means any type of counseling and advice, emergency assistance, medical care,
Administration Services means the services required for the effective and efficient administration of Bonitas and includes, but are not necessarily limited to, member record management, contribution management, benefit option management, claims processing and management, management of members’ personal, claims and financial information and any other services that are required for the administration of Bonitas;
Education Services means training services performed or delivered by Company.
Inpatient care means treatment for which the insured person has to stay in a hospital for more than 24 hours for a covered event.
Inpatient services means services provided to you as an admitted inpatient in a recognised private or public hospital for treatment that is in an included clinical category, has a Medicare item number allocated and a Medicare benefit is payable.