Asset Entity definition

Asset Entity has the meaning specified in the preamble hereto.
Asset Entity means: a corporation, limited or general partnership, limited liability company, or business trust which, at all times until the Indebtedness is paid in full (i) will not have any other assets other than the Premises, cash and marketable securities, and (ii) will not create, assume, incur, guarantee or become liable for debt, obligations, or performance of obligations for the benefit of any other person or entity except for liabilities incurred in the normal operation of the Premises (other than liabilities secured by the Premises).

Examples of Asset Entity in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, other than in connection with a sale or assignment pursuant to Section 9.18(a), the Issuer and/or an Asset Entity shall have no obligation to reimburse any Investor for any of the fees and/or expenses incurred by such Investor with respect to its sale or assignment of all or any part of its respective rights and obligations under this Agreement and the Series 2023-2 Class A-1 Notes pursuant to Section 9.03 or Section 9.17.

  • The Issuer and each Asset Entity also jointly and severally agree to reimburse, subject to and in accordance with the Priority of Payments, the Series 2023-2 Class A-1 Administrative Agent, such Funding Agent and Investor upon demand for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Series 2023-2 Class A-1 Administrative Agent, such Funding Agent and such Investor in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement or any other Transaction Documents.

Related to Asset Entity

  • subsidiary entity means a person that is controlled directly or indirectly by another person and includes a subsidiary of that subsidiary;

  • Subject Entity means any Person, Persons or Group or any Affiliate or associate of any such Person, Persons or Group.

  • Regulated Subsidiary means any Subsidiary of the Company so long as such Subsidiary is (a) a Broker-Dealer Subsidiary or (b) otherwise subject to regulation by any Governmental Authority and for which the incurrence of Indebtedness (including Guarantees) or the granting of Liens with respect to its assets would be prohibited or restricted or would result in a negative impact on any minimum capital or similar requirement applicable to it, in any case, as set forth in any rule or regulation of such Governmental Authority.

  • Unconsolidated Affiliate means, with respect to any Person, any other Person in whom such Person holds an Investment, which Investment is accounted for in the financial statements of such Person on an equity basis of accounting and whose financial results would not be consolidated under GAAP with the financial results of such Person on the consolidated financial statements of such Person.

  • Consolidated Subsidiary means, with respect to any Person at any time, any Subsidiary or other Person the accounts of which would be consolidated with those of such first Person in its consolidated financial statements in accordance with GAAP.

  • Business Entity means a natural or legal person, business corporation, professional services corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, business trust, association or any other legal commercial entity organized under the laws of this State or of any other state or foreign jurisdiction;

  • Securitization Subsidiary means any Subsidiary formed for the purpose of, and that solely engages only in one or more Qualified Securitization Facilities and other activities reasonably related thereto.