Examples of Asset Swap in a sentence
If the Asset Swap Counterparty defaults or becomes unable to perform due to insolvency or otherwise, the Issuer may not receive payments it would otherwise be entitled to from the Asset Swap Counterparty to cover its foreign exchange exposure.
The Issuer will depend upon the Asset Swap Counterparty to perform its obligations under any hedges.
There are also currently a number of regulatory initiatives which may make it difficult or impossible for the Issuer to enter into Asset Swap Transactions or Interest Rate Hedge Transactions.
Swap Agreement Investors in the Notes shall be deemed to have fully understood the provisions of the Default Swap and Asset Swap related thereto and, in particular, the fact that amounts due in respect of principal and interest on the Notes will be affected by the amounts due and payable by the Issuer under such Default Swap and Asset Swap.
In such circumstances, the Asset Swap Termination Date shall be deemed to have been designated as an Early Termination Date hereunder.