Examples of Assisted Municipality in a sentence
However, it is not an assumption that this shall occur, and the Assisted Municipality should be prepared to pay for all assistance provided to it as per the requests it has made.
The Liaison Officer shall provide a liaison between the Assisting Municipality and the Emergency Control Group of the Assisted Municipality.
Where food and lodging cannot be provided in-kind, the Assisted Municipality shall pay all reasonable costs to personnel for any food and lodging purchased by personnel of the Assisting Municipality.
M.56, as amended (“MFIPPA”), the Liaison Officer shall be permitted to inform the Assisting Municipality on the status of the Emergency and the actions taken by the Assisted Municipality.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Assisted Municipality shall not be deemed to be the employer of the Assisting Municipality’s Workers under any circumstances or for any purpose whatsoever.
The Assisted Municipality shall be responsible to pay for any and all actual costs incurred by the Assisting Municipality in providing the assistance.
The Assisting Municipality, and every party that is not an Assisting Municipality, shall keep confidential and not disclose to any non-Party any information concerning the Emergency or the assistance provided without the prior consent of the Assisted Municipality, except as may be required by law.
The Assisted Municipality shall issue certificates of appointment under section 3(8) of the Building Code Act to any temporarily appointed Building Officials as soon as reasonably practicable following the temporary appointments.
The parties acknowledge and agree that the Assisted Municipality is not to be deemed the employer of the Assisting Municipality’s employees, agents, or contractors or servants, under any circumstances or for any purpose whatsoever.
The parties acknowledge and agree that the Assisted Municipality shall not be to be deemed the employer of the Assisting Municipality’s employees, agents, contractors or servants, under any circumstances or for any purpose whatsoever.