At risk of homelessness means, with respect to an individ-
At risk of homelessness means (a) an individual or family who:
At risk of homelessness means the same as defined in Title 24 Section 578.3 of the Code of Federal Regulations and also includes any household receiving rental assistance funded by the California Emergency Solutions and Housing (CESH) program or the California Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP).
Examples of At risk of homelessness in a sentence
All Residents must be experiencing Homelessness or At Risk of Homelessness, with an Income at or less than HILs and must be placed in a Residential Unit appropriate to their household size, as determined by BC Housing from time to time.
More Definitions of At risk of homelessness
At risk of homelessness. ’ means, with respect to an
At risk of homelessness means, with respect to an individual or family, that the indi- vidual or family—
At risk of homelessness means individuals and families living in accommodation where tenancy will be terminated within three (3) months of application (e.g., given notice by landlord) and having no other Housing options, or living in time-limited housing designed to help them transition from Homelessness to living in a more permanent form of Housing (e.g., transitional housing or second-stage housing).
At risk of homelessness means a household with an annual income below 30% of the area median income (AMI) and does not have sufficient resources or support networks immediately available to prevent them from becoming homeless.
At risk of homelessness means any low, very low, or
At risk of homelessness has the meaning provided for in OAR 410-120-0000.
At risk of homelessness means (1) an individual that is faced with a set of circumstances likely to cause the individual to become homeless, or (2) an individual previously homeless, who will be discharged from a correctional, medical, mental health, or treatment center, who lacks sufficient resources to pay for housing and does not have a permanent place to live.