Head of household means the parent or parents with whom the dependent child or children were residing at the time of placement in foster care.
Head of household means a head of household as defined and described in section 2(b) of the
Head of household means that member of a household with the largest income in the year preceding the date of the accident;
Examples of Head of household in a sentence
D E Enter “1” if you will file as head of household on your tax return (see conditions under Head of household above) .
Head of household means the adult member of the family who is considered the head for purposes of determining income eligibility and rent.
YESCAREGIVERAllowed: Head of household must be of adult age at the time of application.
The study area for the RGMS2041 consists of potential growth areas within the region that are outside the current Priority Infrastructure Area.
See Multiple Support Agreement or Support Test for Children of Divorced or Separated Parents (or Parents Who Live Apart), or Kidnapped child under Qualifying Relative.2. Head of household filing status.3. The credit for child and dependent care expenses.
More Definitions of Head of household
Head of household. (HOH) means the primary person the Agency shall communicate with and:¶
Head of household means "head of household" as generally defined for federal income tax purposes;
Head of household means a dependent child's parent or the
Head of household means a head of household as defined and described in section 2(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 2(b).
Head of household means a person who as owner or joint owner maintains a home and furnishes the support for said home, furnishings, and other material necessities.
Head of household means the member of the applicant household designated by the household to represent the household in all matters pertaining to its eligibility for and receipt of various forms of public assistance;
Head of household means the person normally designated as the head by a household or designated as the head by the branch.