AT System definition
Examples of AT System in a sentence
If Natural Gas is made available by the IAA Shipper at any Entry Point which does not comply with the Specification, the IAA Shipper shall notify IUK or cause IUK to be notified of such non- compliance as soon as the IAA Shipper or the Adjacent TSO of any AT System through which the Natural Gas is being made available to IUK becomes aware (or ought reasonably to have become aware) of such non-compliance.
If the operator of an AT System notifies IUK of a constraint affecting the rate at which Quantities of Natural Gas may be delivered from that AT System at an Entry Point (an “AT System Entry Point Constraint”) or redelivered to that AT System at an Exit Point (an “AT System Exit Point Constraint”) IUK shall reduce its rate of delivery or redelivery accordingly.
If Natural Gas is made available by the Shipper at any Entry Point which does not comply with the Specification, the Shipper shall notify Interconnector or cause Interconnector to be notified of such non-compliance as soon as the Shipper or the Adjacent TSO of any AT System through which the Natural Gas is being made available to Interconnector becomes aware (or ought reasonably to have become aware) of such non-compliance.
In May/June 2022, an FSB was convened in conjunction with Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) Operational Evaluation Board to determine operational suitability and evaluate training, checking, and currency requirements of the Autothrottle (AT) System in the Challenger 350.
If Natural Gas is made available by the Shipper at any Entry Point which does not comply with the Specification, the Shipper shall notify IUK or cause IUK to be notified of such non- compliance as soon as the Shipper or the Adjacent TSO of any AT System through which the Natural Gas is being made available to IUK becomes aware (or ought reasonably to have become aware) of such non-compliance.
In May/June 2022, an FSB was convened in conjunction with the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) to evaluate training, checking and currency requirements for the added Autothrottle (AT) System functionality in the Challenger 350 and determine operational suitability.
The agency should have satisfactorily completed similar works during the last three years ending previous day of last date of submission of tenders.
At the beginning of each year, while planning alternating training, we suggest to use the results of previous year monitoring and evaluation for improving training activities.ADDENDUM Teacher Checklist for Internal Control AT System questionnaire aims to help teachers and tutors, in knowing phase of the teachers living lab, to detect main feature of the alternating training system of your school and to reflect on the degrees of freedom in designing DESCI training.
If necessary to comply with any applicable local, state, federal or foreign law, rule, regulation or policy, or in response to a Claim against AccuLive relating to Registered User Communications, AccuLive reserves the right to immediately terminate the Agreement or otherwise block access to the AT System hereunder without liability to Client or any third party for any such action.
The event was received as a good contribution from the IHO/HCA to the AT System and contributed to raising awareness of hydrography and to encouraging strong support of WP 38 and its proposed resolution that recommends Governments to proceed as follows:1.