Displacement system means a device enabling the adult seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position, to facilitate the entry and exit of passengers and the loading and unloading of objects.
Displacement system means a device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displaced or rotated without a fixed intermediate position, to permit easy access to the space behind the seat concerned;
Displacement system means a device by which the seat or one of its parts can be displaced and/or rotated, without a fixed intermediate position, to permit easy access of occupants to the space behind the seat concerned.
Examples of Displacement system in a sentence
Displacement system) là cơ cấu cho phép ghế người lớn hoặc bộ phận của ghế người lớn dịch chuyển theo phương dọc hoặc quay nghiêng góc, không có vị trí trung gian cố định, để tạo thuận lợi cho hành khách ra vào hoặc xếp, dỡ hành lý.
Hệ thống di chuyển ghế trẻ em (Child Restraint System Displacement system) là thiết bị cho phép ghế trẻ em có thể di chuyển theo chiều dọc hoặc quay góc nghiêng.
Clearly, it will be high on the agenda of the G8 summit to be held in France in 2011.
More Definitions of Displacement system
Displacement system means a device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displaced laterally or longitudinally without a fixed intermediate position of the seat or one of its parts, to facilitate access by passengers.
Displacement system means a device enabling the seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position, to facilitate passenger access;
Displacement system means an adjustment and locking system including a folding seatback fitted to seats in front of other seats, enabling passengers to access and exit from such rear seats when there are no doors adjacent to that rear seating row;
Displacement system means a device by which the seat or one of its parts can be displaced and/or rotated, without a fixed intermediate position, to permit easy access of occupants to and from the space behind the seat concerned."
Paragraph amend to read: Open at least one door per row of seats. Where there is no such door, it shall be possible to allow the evacuation of all the occupants by activating the displacement system of seats, if necessary. In case no displacement system is available for the evacuation of a rear seated occupant, it shall be shown that a 50th percentile manikin can be evacuated without the use of any devices to support its weight and any other tools. For vehicles of category N1 this evacuation may be done via an emergency window if this window can be easily opened, but if tools are necessary, (e.g. for breaking the window) these tools shall then be provided by the manufacturer and shall be visible and located in close proximity to that emergency window. This shall be assessed for all configurations or worst-case configuration for number of doors on each side of the vehicle and for both left-hand drive and right-hand drive vehicles, when applicable."
Displacement system means a device enabling the adult seat or one of its parts to be displaced angularly or longitudinally, without a fixed intermediate position, to facilitate the entry and exit of passengers and the loading and unloading of objects
Displacement system means an adjustement and locking system such as a folding seatback fitted to seats in front of other seats, enabeling passengers to access and exit from such rear seats when there are no doors adjacent to that rear seating row;
Displacement system means a device by which the seat or one of its parts can be displaced and/or rotated, without a fixed intermediate position, to permit easy access of occupants to the space behind the seat concerned;2.3.1. 「前向き座席」とは、車両の走行中に使用することができ、座席の構造が左右対称で垂直に位置する角度が、車両の左右対称な垂直面に対して、±10°に満たない状態で車両の前方を向いているものをいう。 2.3.2. 「後向き座席」とは、車両の走行中に使用することができ、座席の構造が左右対称で垂直に位置する角度が、車両の左右対称な垂直面に対して、±10°に満たない状態で車両の後方を向いているものをいう。 2.3.3. 「横向き座席」とは、車両の走行中に使用することができ、座席の構造が左右対称で垂直に位置する角度が、車両の左右対称な垂直面に対して、90°(±10°)の角度で車両の側方を向いているものをいう。 2.4. 「ベ ンチシート」とは、2 人以上の成人が座ることを前提とした時、完全装備の構造であることをいう。2.5. 「取付装置」とは、車両構造に係る部品を含む、車両構造に座席アッセンブリを固定する装置をいう。2.6. 「調節システム」とは、乗員の体に合った着座位置に座席及び座席の部品を調節できる機構をいう。この機構は 2.6.1 項から 2.6.3 項までに掲げる調節を可能とする。2.6.1. 前後の移動2.6.2. 垂直の移動2.6.3. 角変位2.7. 「移動システム」とは、座席又はその部品が中間位置に固定されずに、乗員が座席後方のスペースに移動し易いように移動及び/又は回転させることのできる装置をいう。